The Institut Pasteur, in partnership with the Medicen Paris Region competitiveness pole, is organizing the second edition of the summer university dedicated to the creation of a life sciences company on 6 and 7 July.
This event aims to give the participants the essential keys to the launch of a life sciences company (biotech, medtech, e-health, etc.). The summer school will cover the initial stages of the creation of a start-up, will deal with the search for initial and secondary financing as well as the essential role of the team in the start-up process. A micro-coaching session will allow the participants to benefit from personalized advice from the experts mobilized, with various profiles (entrepreneurs, investors, representatives of incubators and clusters).
This summer university is open to students, doctoral students, post-doctoral students, researchers and engineers who plan to create their life sciences business in the short or long term or are simply passionate about entrepreneurship. It is organized with the support of the company Servier.
Organized in four thematic half-days, this event will bring together high-level professionals with various profiles: entrepreneurs, business angels and venture capitalists, lawyers, sales people, incubators, representing all areas of business creation in life sciences.
You can register now!
For more information, please visit