Sanofi - Institut Pasteur Awards 2014

Sanofi and the Institut Pasteur awarded on November 13th the Sanofi - Institut Pasteur awards for the third consecutive year. Four internationally renowned researchers were honored today for their work carried out in two major fields concerning world health: neglected tropical diseases and immunology. In 2014, the program set aside a total of 300.000 euros


Chikungunya fever: Themis Bioscience’s vaccine candidate successful in phase 1

The induction of neutralizing antibodies by a prophylactic Chikungunya vaccine candidate has now been confirmed by the final results of a phase 1 clinical trial, as well as its tolerability and safety. Detailed information of the trial has been presented at two international conferences. The vaccine candidate was developed under a R&D collaboration between Themis Bioscience GmbH and the Institut Pasteur (Paris) based upon a measles vaccine vector technology.


Chikungunya : des résultats positifs de phase 1 du candidat vaccin de Themis Bioscience

L’innocuité ainsi que l’induction d’anticorps neutralisants contre le virus du chikungunya d’un candidat vaccin prophylactique ont pu être confirmés par les résultats de l’étude clinique de phase 1, dont les détails ont été présentés lors de deux congrès internationaux. Le candidat vaccin de Themis Bioscience a été développé en collaboration avec l’Institut Pasteur de Paris sur la base d’une plateforme utilisant le vaccin contre la rougeole en tant que vecteur (Themaxyn®).


La Cité internationale universitaire de Paris accueillera dès 2015 les étudiants et chercheurs de l’Institut Pasteur

L’Institut Pasteur et la Cité internationale universitaire de Paris (CiuP) ont signé le 18 novembre un accord prévoyant l’hébergement des étudiants et chercheurs étrangers de l’Institut Pasteur sur le campus de la CiuP, dans le 14e arrondissement de Paris, dès janvier 2015.


Prix Sanofi-Institut Pasteur 2014

Sanofi et l’Institut Pasteur ont décerné le 13 novembre 2014, pour la troisième année consécutive, les Prix Sanofi - Institut Pasteur. Quatre chercheurs d’envergure internationale ont été distingués pour leurs travaux dans deux domaines majeurs pour la santé mondiale : les maladies tropicales négligées et l’immunologie. Créés en 2012, ces Prix encouragent l’innovation et l’excellence scientifique au service de la santé. En 2014, le programme a été doté de 300.000 euros.


The Institut Pasteur steps up its action against Ebola

Ever since the Ebola virus was identified in Guinea in March 2014, the designated WHO Collaborating Centers within the Institut Pasteur and Institut Pasteur International Network have been assisting the international aid initiative via diagnostic support and epidemiological surveillance. Now, faced with the seriousness and spread of the epidemic, the Institut Pasteur and Institut Pasteur International Network are strengthening and coordinating their efforts in order to effectively fight the disease.


Institut Pasteur and Institut Pasteur of Dakar on the front line against the Ebola crisis in West Africa

Since the beginning of the Ebola outbreak in Guinea, several scientists from the Institut Pasteur, as part of their mandate as a WHO Collaborating Centre on arboviruses and viral hemorrhagic fevers, have been offering their support to international aid plan implemented in collaboration with the Guinean Ministry of Health.


EBOLA: Institut Pasteur in the front line against Ebola outbreak


An international team of scientists from Institut Pasteur Paris and Dakar are on the front of the outbreak in Guinea. 


The Institut Pasteur confirmed the outbreak on March 21, 2014. Since the outbreak is still continuing, scientists and materials have been sent from Institut Pasteur Paris and Dakar to Guinea. 


Mental states control the integration of new neurons in the adult brain

Although it has been known for several years that the adult brain is capable of producing new neurons, how these neurons are integrated into existing, functional nerve circuits has hitherto remained a mystery. Scientists have just shown that new neurons set up a denser network of connections with the rest of the brain in contexts of active (as opposed to passive) motivation and learning.


Potential strategies for limiting the hepatitis C epidemic in Egypt

In the fight against hepatitis C, directing preventive and curative interventions towards sufferers of chronic diseases requiring regular medical care would be an effective means of reducing transmission of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) in Egypt, and undoubtedly also in other countries with limited resources. This theory has arisen from a mathematical modeling study carried out as part of the ANRS 1211 study, conducted jointly by scientists at the Institut Pasteur, the CNAM and their fellow scientists in Egypt.



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