Our programs and courses

Ever since the introduction of the “Technical Microbiology” course in 1889, education has been a priority at the Institut Pasteur. Institut Pasteur courses are designed for doctoral and 2nd year Masters students of the Greater Paris universities, students registered at the Pasteur-Cnam School of Public Health, postdoctoral fellows, scientists and healthcare professionals seeking to update and further their knowledge.

Pasteur courses

With sessions on theory and hands-on practicals, the courses held at the Teaching Center are grouped into themed areas: 




Pasteur-Cnam-EHESP School of Public Health

Pasteur-Cnam-EHESP School of Public Health

The Institut Pasteur and Cnam (French National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts) have pooled their respective expertise to form the Pasteur-Cnam-EHESP School of Public Health and offer an Advanced Master degree - Mastère Spécialisé in Public Health, in partnership with EHESP (French School of Public Health).

Ecole Pasteur-Cnam de santé publique


Internships and pre-doctoral programs

Institut Pasteur

Institut Pasteur and its numerous research laboratories covering various topics in biology can host students registered in a French or a foreign university for an internship.

Doctoral programs

Institut Pasteur

The Institut Pasteur with its numerous research units is truly a higher-education hotspot for many young scientists. Each Institut Pasteur research laboratory is affiliated to a Doctoral school accredited by a Parisian university and involved in supervision and training for doctoral students. More than 300 doctoral students conduct research projects in Institut Pasteur laboratories.

Ceremony for newly graduated students at Institut Pasteur




My PhD at the Institut Pasteur

The Institut Pasteur is an internationally renowned multidisciplinary research and training campus, with a strong academic and social commitment to PhD students.

Become a member of our PhD community!

Doctoral Office Institut Pasteur


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