The goal of the Amgen Scholars Program at Institut Pasteur (ASP-IP) is to provide scholars an international laboratory experience during two months in summer.
Institut Pasteur is a recognized public non-profit organization with three core missions: research, public health and teaching. Founded more than a century ago and still true to the humanist ideals of Louis Pasteur, the institute of today is one of the world's leading research centers, with a multidisciplinary panel of scientific teams offering training in a large variety of topics, covering Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genetics, Immunology, Microbiology, Genomics, Bioinformatics, Structural Biology, Enzymology, Biological Chemistry, Virology, Parasitology, Mycology, Epidemiology, Imaging, Neurosciences, Developmental Biology.
Participating in the daily life of a research group will encourage and inspire students to pursue a scientific career. The program also includes non-laboratory activities, social programs, general scientific training, discussions and interactions with scientists of different cultures and origins. Together with the practical scientific experience, this program will make an unforgettable experience for all participants.
The program is open to undergraduate students who (i) are registered in a university or a college of one the countries engaged in the Bologna Process and (ii) will not have graduated from their second cycle in Summer 2025.
We are pleased to acknowledge the support of the Amgen Foundation. Four other universities and scientific institutions participate in the Amgen Scholars Program in Europe and students are encouraged to visit the web site for Amgen Scholars Europe.
The Amgen Scholars Program at Institut Pasteur (ASP-IP) is aimed at undergraduate students registered in an European university and highly motivated in sciences.
Applicants to the ASP-IP must
1) be undergraduate students who:
are registered in colleges or universities in Europe (see the list of eligible countries at the bottom of the page),
will not have graduated from their second cycle, according to the Bologna Process, in Summer 2025. In other words, students able to enroll in a PhD program in Fall 2025 are NOT eligible for this program.
For medical students: eligible applicants must be third or fourth year students. Second year medical students will not be considered.
First year students are not eligible at the Institut Pasteur.
2) have:
a strong record of academic performance;
an interest in pursuing a PhD.
Prior research experience is not required.
The language of the ASP-IP is English and students need a good knowledge of English in order to participate. Candidates may be asked to demonstrate adequate English language skills in a telephone interview.
Applicants must be able to attend the full program, including the symposium in Cambridge, to be held in September 2025.
Institut Pasteur is committed to the equality of opportunity and admission to the program will be solely on the basis of merit.
French students are eligible to the ASP-IP and are also encouraged to consider applying for other European Amgen Scholars Programs
To be eligible, students must be registered in a college or university in a country that is participating in the Bologna Process. Currently, the participating countries include:
Albania; Andorra; Armenia; Austria; Azerbaijan; Belgium; Bosnia-Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Georgia; Germany; Greece; Holy See; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Italy; Kazakhstan; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxembourg; former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; Malta; Moldova; Montenegro; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Serbia; Slovak Republic; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Turkey; Ukraine; United Kingdom.
Application information
Applications must be sent through a dedicated web site. Candidates must select ONE research topic in which they are particularly interested to perform their summer internship at Institut Pasteur.
Proposed research topics are the following:
- Biochemistry
- Bioinformatics
- Cellular Biology
- Chemistry
- Developmental Biology
- Genetics & Genomics
- Immunology
- Microbiology
- Mycology
- Neurosciences
- Parasitology
- Structural Biology
- Vaccinology
- Virology
- Applied Mathematics for Biology
Upon submission of their application, candidates will have the opportunity to explain their motivation to join the ASP-IP and the reasons of their choice in the cover letter. Each candidate can send only ONE application to ASP-IP.
Candidates are welcome to consult the web pages of the scientific departments and research units at the Institut Pasteur web site to get information on research conducted at Institut Pasteur.
Please do not contact faculty members directly. Scholars selected to participate in the ASP-IP will be matched with laboratories based on their stated interest and available space.
A list of frequently asked questions (and their responses) is available here. If you have further questions, please contact us by e-mail: amgenscholars@pasteur.fr
Key dates are:
Opening of the application site: November 1st, 2024
Dead line for applications: February 1st, 2025
Notification of the results to applicants: April 2025
Amgen Scholars Program at Institut Pasteur: July 1, to September 3, 2025
Annual Symposium at Cambridge: August 31 to September 3 2025
Online application
Application must be submitted through and online application portal opening on November 1, 2024 and closing on February 1, 2025.
Upon your first visit to the application portal you will need to enter a user name (a valid e-mail address that you are consulting on a regular basis) and a password, which will enable you to access your file and complete it at any time.
You will have to fill-in an on-line questionnaire and to indicate the name and e-mail address of someone who is willing to send a recommendation on your behalf.
You will have to upload the following files, in PDF format:
- An application cover letter, explaining your reasons and motivation to perform an internship in the frame of the ASP-IP and why you are especially interested in the research topic you selected. A potential template for a motivation letter can be loaded here. It is not mandatory to use this form.
- A detailed curriculum vitae.
- Records of university grades (in one file)
- A study certificate from your university with an indication of the current semester
- One signed recommendation letter written on headed notepaper; one of your professors or the supervisor of a previous internship may write such a recommendation letter. The template for a recommendation letter is available here. It is not mandatory to use this form.
- A photocopy of the page in your passport or your national ID for European community Nationals showing your full name and nationality. Please make sure that your ID or passport is valid at least until October 2025.
Financial support and benefits
Scholars will be housed in private rooms in a student residence in Paris (Cité Internationale Universitare de Paris) with easy access to public transportation and a wide variety of cultural activities.
Financial support
Scholars will receive a total stipend of € 1400 to cover living expenses.
In addition, Scholars will have a subsidized access to the Institut Pasteur cafeteria for lunch during week days.
Travel costs
Non-local Scholars may claim up to € 400 as travel expenses for their travel to Paris. To receive the reimbursement of travel expenses, students will need to provide original receipts and validated boarding passes.
Health Insurance
Students from a European Economic Area country (EEA) or Switzerland should ensure they have a valid European Health Insurance Card.
All other students must arrange for their own private health insurance.
Please be aware that health insurance is mandatory. Neither the Amgen Foundation nor Institut Pasteur can provide health insurance.
Annual Symposium
Scholars at Institut Pasteur will participate in the Annual Symposium at the University of Cambridge together with scholars from the other European program sites: the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München in Germany, the University of Cambridge in the UK and the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich in Switzerland. All scholars will present their results during a poster session.
Scholars at Institut Pasteur will agree to:
Provide all documents and agreements from their university for the establishment of a « convention de stage » mandatory in France.
Have a valid health insurance.
Undertake an 8 weeks intensive research project in one of the participating laboratories.
Apply for the appropriate visas in a timely fashion.
Participate fully in the laboratory life and attend any relevant research seminars and workshops.
Attend to the events organized through the Amgen Scholars Program.
Provide feedback on the Amgen Scholars Program to help us ensure we are meeting the needs of the scholars.
Contribute to Amgen Foundation media requests.
Prepare a poster presentation on their accomplished work for the annual symposium.
Participate in the annual symposium for all European Amgen Scholars, held in Cambridge.
Comply with safety rules at Institut Pasteur.
Given the intensive nature of the program, Amgen Scholars are unable to undertake any other work or study at the same time. Students unable to be present for the full duration of the program or to participate to the symposium in Cambridge should not apply.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the purpose of the Amgen Scholars Program?
The Amgen Scholars Program provides hundreds of selected undergraduate students the opportunity to engage in a hands-on research experience at some of the world's leading educational institutions. The Program seeks to increase learning and networking opportunities for students committed to pursuing a science or engineering career and spark the interest and broaden the perspective of students considering a scientific career. Ultimately, the Program aims to increase the number of students pursuing advanced training and careers in science.
2. What criteria do I need to meet to become an Amgen Scholar in Europe?
Amgen Scholars Europe Program applicants must be:
• Undergraduate students enrolled in colleges and universities in Europe*; and Undergraduate students who have not entered the final year of their bachelor's or first degree (or its equivalent) before participating in the program.
Europe program applicants must also have:
• A strong record of academic performance;
• An interest in pursuing a PhD; and
• A good working knowledge of English
* Eligible students must attend a college or university in a country that is participating in the Bologna Process. Currently, the participating countries include: Albania; Andorra; Armenia; Austria; Azerbaijan; Belgium; Bosnia-Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Georgia; Germany; Greece; Holy See; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Italy; Kazakhstan; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxembourg; former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; Malta; Moldova; Montenegro; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Serbia; Slovak Republic; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Turkey; Ukraine; United Kingdom.
3. Do I need to be a citizen of one of the above European countries to apply to participate in the Amgen Scholars Program?
No. There is no citizenship requirement for the Amgen Scholars Program in Europe.
4. If applicable, am I required to obtain the appropriate visas to participate in the Amgen Scholars Program?
Yes. It is the students' responsibility to acquire the necessary visas to attend their respective summer program (in United Kingdom, France, Germany, Sweden or Switzerland) and the symposium in England. The Amgen Scholars European Program Coordinating Centre will help Scholars with this process.
5. Can students who are only spending a short period of time (i.e. a semester or year abroad) at a European institution of higher education apply to participate in the Amgen Scholars Program in Europe?
No. To be eligible, students must not only be currently enrolled at a college or university in Europe, but also intend to earn their undergraduate degree at a college or university in Europe.
6. Is there one application form for all of the program sites in Europe?
No. Each program site in Europe has its own application process. Please see individual websites for details.
7. Can I apply to more than one program site in Europe?
Yes. You can apply to as many program sites in Europe as you would like, but each program site does require a separate application.
8. Is there a common application deadline for all program sites in Europe?
Yes. The application deadline is set to February 1st for all institutions in Europe.
9. Are there certain application requirements common to all program sites in Europe?
Yes. The application at each program site in Europe will, at a minimum, require the submission of an official transcript, a letter of recommendation and a personal statement.
10. Do I need to provide formal evidence of my English language ability?
Formal evidence is not required, but scholars will need a good working knowledge of English in order to participate fully.
11. How do I apply?
Information about applying to the Amgen Scholars Program at the Institut Pasteur is available on the Application webpage. If you are interested in applying to the Amgen Scholars Program at another University, please visit the main Amgen Scholars website.
12. Are there common summer program dates for all program sites in Europe?
No. There are different start and end dates to help accommodate varying university timetables. In 2024, the Amgen Scholars Program at the Institut Pasteur will start on Monday, July 1th, and run until the end of the Annual Symposium on Wednesday, September 4th.
13. What is the expected number of Amgen Scholars at each program site in Europe, and in total?
Institut Pasteur will host 10 students, with a total of about 50 Scholars across Europe.
14. Do I need to attend the Karolinska Institute, the ETH Zürich, the Institut Pasteur, the LMU Munich or the University of Cambridge - or a college or university in Sweden, Switzerland, France, Germany or the UK - during the academic year to apply to the Amgen Scholars Program?
No. Eligible students enrolled at colleges and universities throughout Europe may apply. Note that eligible students must attend a college or university in a country that is participating in the Bologna Process (see the list of countries under Question 2). Students already enrolled, as undergraduates at one of the host universities are encouraged to apply to the other universities in order to fully benefit from the experience.
15. Will there be an opportunity to meet Amgen Scholars participating in the Europe program at other sites, and to learn more about biotechnology and drug discovery and development?
Yes. In September, each Amgen Scholar in Europe will attend a symposium to hear first-hand from leading scientists working in industry and academia. The symposium will be held in England, and will provide students with a great opportunity to network with other Amgen Scholars from across Europe.
16. Is the cost of travel to and from the symposium, as well as room and board, covered by the Program?
Yes. As the Annual Symposium is held in Cambridge, Amgen Scholars at the University of Cambridge will transfer to the symposium venue following the end of their Summer Program.
17. Can I apply to participate in the Amgen Scholars Program in Europe if science or engineering is not the main subject area of my degree?
Yes. Although we expect that the majority of Amgen Scholars will have science or engineering as the main subject area of their degree, students in any subject area may apply. Please contact the individual sites for guidance.
18. Do I need to have research experience prior to being admitted to the Program in Europe?
No. The Amgen Scholars Program encourages applications from students experienced in research as well as newcomers to the field. Applications are particularly encouraged from students who attend colleges and universities that have limited opportunities for students to conduct research.
19. Which areas of academic research will the Program offer?
The Institut Pasteur houses a multidisciplinary panel of scientific teams offering training in a large variety of topics, covering Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genetics, Immunology, Microbiology, Genomics, Bioinformatics, Structural Biology, Enzymology, Biological Chemistry, Virology, Parasitology, Mycology, Epidemiology, Imaging, Neurosciences, Developmental Biology.
20. When will I find out if I am accepted into the Program in Europe?
Notification dates for applicants to program sites in Europe can be found on the application pages of the individual program websites.
21. Can I participate as an Amgen Scholar for more than one summer?
No. You are invited to participate as an Amgen Scholar for one summer only. This ensures that each summer a new cohort of Amgen Scholars in Europe will have the opportunity to benefit from this type of hands-on research experience.
22. Can I participate as an Amgen Scholar in the U.S., Europe and Japan ?
Yes and No. You are invited to participate as an Amgen Scholar at a college or university in the region of the world where you are currently enrolled and intend to receive your undergraduate degree. For example, students enrolled in an university in the U.S. can not apply to an Amgen Scholars Program in Europe and, likewise, students enrolled in an university in Europe can not apply to an Amgen Scholars in U.S. However, all students can apply to an Amgen Scholar Program in Japan.
23. What is an official academic transcript?
An official academic transcript is an official document that summarizes a student's academic progress and performance to date, and should include the university and course title, alongside grades for each module taken. You will probably need to ask your university to provide you with one and it may take a while to produce. We accept scans or hard copies of these documents, but are unable to accept e-documents from Everify. First year students may submit A Level (or equivalent) certificates if no current university records can be obtained.
24. If I am not selected this year, can I apply again?
Yes. As long as you continue to meet the eligibility criteria, you can certainly apply again.

Sophie Goyard
PhD., Program Coordinator, Center for Innovation and Technological Research (Citech)

ELISABETH Labrouyere
PhD., Bioimage Analysis Unit

François Huetz
PhD., Department of Immunology

Thory sy
Administrative Support