Under the terms of the Tripartite Agreement between the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, the University of Sao Paulo and the Institut Pasteur, the newly created Pasteur / USP Scientific Platform will be launched by the end of 2017. This partnership offers the possibility to develop integrated actions in research, technology and innovation around a scientific strategy that has been defined by the partners and targeted to infectious diseases, neurosciences and systems biology. The integrated approach considers the "One Health" concept and should guide the research projects developed within the framework of this partnership. A first call for proposal was launched during the summer 2017 and will allow the setting up of new collaborative projects.

Professor Christian Brechot, President of the Institut Pasteur, noted during his visit at the end of August the good progress of the Pasteur/USP Scientific Platform in Sao Paulo. He also visited the Industrial Technology Pole in Health, in Eusébio, where the recent installations of the Fiocruz-Ceará in the Brazilian northeast are located.