
The Institut Pasteur has an ambitious international policy, rooted in its reputation for excellence and its universal values. The Department of International Affairs is responsible for running and helping develop the Pasteur Network by fostering international scientific cooperation and coordinating major programs in response to current global health challenges.

International cooperation

The Department of International Affairs develops institutional and scientific partnerships to boost the Institut Pasteur's global presence and tackle human health challenges.



International programs

To meet current global health challenges, the Institut Pasteur is developing and coordinating major international projects, run mainly in conjunction with members of the Institut Pasteur International Network. As well as furthering knowledge,
these programs help to increase local skills, build up equipment, and assist health authorities in drawing up recommendations
to improve the care of populations on a long-term basis.

Afroscreen Project : boosting variant surveillance in 13 african countries

This Health in Common Initiative project furthers France’s contribution to the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic...

ASIDE project: Surveillance and health alerts

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2003-2004, H1N1 influenza in 2009, and the recent outbreaks of MERS‐CoV,...

Perilic project: Studying the protection of pertussis vaccination

Whooping cough is a highly contagious respiratory disease caused by the bacteria Bordetella pertussis that can be fatal...

A program concerning the Hand-Foot-And-Mouth disease in South East Asia

To avoid severe disseminated viral infections in children: the Hand-Foot-And-Mouth Disease case


International calls

Find on this page all the international calls from the Institut Pasteur


Appel international-G4



International fellowships and mobility aids


Bourses et aides à la mobilité - Institut Pasteur

The Institut Pasteur Department of International Affairs and the Pasteur Network propose to students, researchers and technicians different funding programs to encourage their research, develop news techniques and benefit from academic international collaborations.

4-year Research Group within the Pasteur Network
Grants Calmette & Yersin
Fondation Pierre Ledoux Jeunesse Internationale (in French)

Pasteur network

Le Réseau International des Instituts Pasteur - Carte

Located in 25 countries on five continents, the Pasteur Network associates 33 members, which are united by shared values and missions for the benefit of populations. It is a unique model for health cooperation and, in addition to its structures, brings together a human and scientific community that focuses on both local and international health priorities. Present in numerous endemic areas, the Network has, time and time again, demonstrated its major role as a sentinel for emerging infectious diseases.



International News

Discover all the news about our international activities.


  Strengthening Preparedness and response capacities: Mitigating Vector-Borne Diseases in a Globalized World Since the end of the 20th century, the world has...
Carte du monde © AdobeStock
  In 2022, the Institut Pasteur’s international focus was on initiating and strengthening partnerships and scientific collaborations, especially with...
Cryptococoques en interaction avec des macrophages - Institut Pasteur
  This international collaborative unit Fungal Extracellular Vesicles will bring together three scientific teams specializing in the study of extracellular...
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