HIV infection remains an outstanding global health issue despite the dramatic progress made over the past 35 years in developing and giving access to prevention and treatment tools. There are still 2 million new infections and 1 million deaths every year. Half of the 37 million people living with HIV do not have access to life-saving antiretroviral treatments. Although these molecules are extremely ef cient in blocking HIV replication, they have to be maintained for life. More HIV science is thus essential to develop a vaccine and a cure against HIV infection and one day live in an AIDS-free world.



This MOOC is an immersion into HIV science: from the virus biological origin and its identification to the perspectives of eradication. You will learn about the status of the HIV epidemic and diversity in the world, the complex interactions between the virus and the host cell, and how HIV evades the immune system. The course will also describe exceptional individuals who control the infection and animal models of protection. Finally, it will address research questions on HIV clinical management and new treatment and prevention tools.

The MOOC is open to everybody, but we recommend a good scientific background (such as a bachelor of science).

This MOOC is organized in 6 weeks. Each week is composed of 5 sequences. In each sequence, you find an 8 - 10 minute video and two multiple choice questions (MCQ) to help participants check their understanding. This MOOC also proposes a weekly evaluation and a final test, made of 30 multiple-choice questions.


> Register here


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