Committing to Open Science

The Institut Pasteur has been acting in favor of Open Science by adopting two founding texts in May 2021: a Charter for Open Access to publications and a Policy for the management and sharing of research data and software code.

Open science: a strategic objective of the Institut Pasteur

The Institut Pasteur has supported Open Science since the signing of the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in 2004. This commitment to Open Science has since been formalised in the 2019-2023 Strategic Plan and then in the ‘Pasteur 2030’ strategic plan, which includes open science among Institut Pasteur's eight guiding values and commitments.

By adopting two new policies in May 2021, the Institut Pasteur makes its commitment concrete and shows its will to be in line with the global movement for Open Science in order to:

  • facilitate the sharing and reuse of data, publications and software codes according to the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable),
  • improve the efficacy of research and speed up innovation by facilitating the reuse of results,
  • democratize access to the results of honest and quality research,
  • advance knowledge as a common good for humanity.

The Charter for Open Access to Publications

Institut Pasteur - Charter for Open Access to Publications

The Institut Pasteur aims at reaching 100% of the year's publications in Open Access from 2021 onwards.

With the Charter for Open Access to publications, the Institut Pasteur requires their researchers to:

  • publish in CC-BY and without embargo, either in a native Open Access journal or by applying the rights retention strategy
  • deposit their publications in the HAL-Pasteur open archive

The Charter goes along with a practical guide to answer questions about Open Access and HAL.

The charter was developed as part of a project led by the CeRIS.



The policy for the management and sharing of research data and software code

This Policy sets out the Institut Pasteur's guidelines on the management and sharing of research data and software code. It aims to facilitate the sharing and reuse of data and software code according to the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles.

It summarises the best practices to be implemented throughout the research process and refers to fact sheets that give scientists the operational resources they need to implement these best practices.

This Policy was developed as part of a collaborative, transversal project led by the CeRIS and the Data Management Core Facility.



The Institut Pasteur's Open Science Monitor

The French Open Science Monitor has been adapted for the Institut Pasteur. It measures the evolution of open science at the Institut Pasteur: open access rate of publications (for which at least one of the authors is affiliated with the Institut Pasteur), research data and software mentioned in these publications, as well as doctoral theses defended at the Institut Pasteur.

Open Access publications:

According to this barometer, 90% of Pasteurian publications published in 2023 were open access in December 2024. In comparison, at the national level, 67% of French publications published in 2023 were in open access in 2024 (all fields).

To go further on open access to publications: find here the 25 most important publishers or platforms for Pasteurian researchers in terms of volume of publications, as well as the rate and the methods of open access for those publications.

Open access to doctoral theses:

Research data sharing:

Open research software:


This monitor was created according to a methodology developed by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR) and the University of Lorraine for all French publications. Publication metadata are extracted by the Ministry in December of each year (last extraction on 3 December 2024, for publications from 2013 to 2023).

Our local declination was possible by sending to the Ministry the list of the identifiers of the Institut Pasteur's publications (publications with at least one author affiliated with an Institut Pasteur laboratory), which were extracted from PubMed, HAL, Web of Science and Scopus. The types of documents taken into account were research articles, reviews, letters, book chapters, conference papers, preprints and reports.

Open Science newsletter

Every two weeks, the Open Science newsletter will provide you information and shed light on developments, challenges and new practices in three key areas of Open Science: scientific publishing in the age of Open Access, data and software management and sharing, research evaluation and planning.


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