
Activités de recherche du CNR des Hantavirus

  1. Hantavirus
  2. Activités de recherche du CNR des Hantavirus

Les activités de recherche sont axées sur la détection, l’identification, la caractérisation et l’épidémiologie des hantavirus.

> Rapport d'activités du CNR des Hantavirus

PUBLICATIONS (2012-2025)

Lepage TM, Boullé C, Le Moing V, Foulongne V, Sauvage V. Seoul Virus Infection and Subsequent Guillain-Barré Syndrome in Traveler Returning to France from Kenya, 2022. Emerg Infect Dis. 2025 Feb;31(2):309-312.

Filippone C, Castel G, Murri S, Ermonval M, Korva M, Avšič-Županc T, Sironen T, Vapalahati O, McElhinney LM, Ulrich RG, Groschup MH, Caro V, Sauvage F, van der Werf S, Manuguerra JC, Gessain A, Marianneau P, Tordo N. Revisiting the genetic diversity of emerging hantaviruses circulating in Europe using a pan-viral resequencing microarray. Sci Rep. 2019 Aug 27;9(1):12404

Raharinosy V, Heraud JM, Rabemananjara HA, Telfer S, Rakoto DAD, Filippone C, Reynes JM. Fast, Sensitive and Specific Detection of Thailand orthohantavirus and its Variants Using One-Step Real-Time Reverse-Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay. Viruses. 2019 Aug 6;11(8). pii: E718.

Clement J, LeDuc JW, Lloyd G, Reynes JM, McElhinney L, Van Ranst M, Lee HW. Wild Rats, Laboratory Rats, Pet Rats: Global Seoul Hantavirus Disease Revisited. Viruses. 2019 Jul 17;11(7). pii: E652.

Kallel H, Matheus S, Mayence C, Houcke S, Mathien C, Lavergne A, Hommel D. Capillary leak-syndrome triggered by Maripa virus in French Guiana: case report and implication for pathogenesis. BMC Infect Dis. 2019 Mar 15;19(1):260.

Clement J, LeDuc JW, McElhinney LM, Reynes JM, Van Ranst M, Calisher CH. Clinical Characteristics of Ratborne Seoul Hantavirus Disease. Emerg Infect Dis. 2019 Feb;25(2):387-388.

Reynes JM, Carli D, Thomas D, Castel G. Puumala Hantavirus Genotypes in Humans, France, 2012-2016. Emerg Infect Dis. 2019 Jan;25(1):140-143. 

Matheus S, Kallel H, Roux A, Bremand L, Labeau B, Moua D, Rousset D, Donato D, Lacoste V, Houcke S, Mayence C, de Thoisy B, Hommel D, Lavergne A. Maripa Virus RNA Load and Antibody Response in Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, French Guiana. Emerg Infect Dis. 2018 Sep;24(9):1734-1736.

Hentzien M, Mestrallet S, Halin P, Pannet LA, Lebrun D, Dramé M, Bani-Sadr F, Galempoix JM, Strady C, Reynes JM, Penalba C, Servettaz A. Bioclinical Test toPredict Nephropathia Epidemica Severity at Hospital Admission. Emerg Infect Dis. 2018 Jun;24(6):1045-1054.

Reynes JM, Carli D, Renaudin B, Fizet A, Bour JB, Brodard V, Cart-Tanneur E, Dewilde A, El-Hamri M, Fleury H, Hecquet D, Jeulin H, Lechat S, Lemarquand-Bardini M, Lepiller Q, Poveda JD, Raulin O, Twizeyimana E, Van Cauteren D, Velay A, Septfons A, Baize S. Surveillance des infections humaines par hantavirus en France métropolitaine, 2012-2016. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 2017;(23):492-9.

Matheus S, Kallel H, Mayence C, Bremand L, Houcke S, Rousset D, Lacoste V, de Thoisy B, Hommel D, Lavergne A. Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome Caused by Maripa Virus in French Guiana, 2008-2016. Emerg Infect Dis. 2017 Oct;23(10):1722-1725.

Reynes JM, Carli D, Bour JB, Boudjeltia S, Dewilde A, Gerbier G, Nussbaumer T, Jacomo V, Rapt MP, Rollin PE, Septfons A. Seoul Virus Infection in Humans, France, 2014-2016. Emerg Infect Dis. 2017 Jun;23(6):973-977.

Lavergne A, Matheus S, Catzeflis F, Lacoste V, de Thoisy B. Rodent-borne viruses in French Guiana. Virologie 2017 May-June;21(3):12-27.

Gerbier G, Manson C, Nussbaumer T, Rosière X, Dumas F, Reynes JM. Infection par l’hantavirus Seoul chez un particulier éleveur de rats dans le Haut-Rhin.  Bulletin Epidémiologique, Santé Animale et Alimentation,  2016, 75 : 9-10.

Bour A, Reynes JM, Plaisancie X, Dufour JF. [Seoul hantavirus infection-associated hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in France: A case report]. Rev Med Interne. 2016 Jul;37(7):493-6.

Reynes JM, Carli D, Boukezia N, Debruyne M, Herti S. Tula hantavirus infection in a hospitalised patient, France, June 2015. Euro Surveill. 2015 Dec 17;20(50).

Zeimes CB, Quoilin S, Henttonen H, Lyytikäinen O, Vapalahti O, Reynes JM,Reusken C, Swart AN, Vainio K, Hjertqvist M, Vanwambeke SO. Landscape and regional environmental analysis of the spatial distribution of hantavirus human cases in Europe. Front Public Health. 2015 Mar 31;3:54.

Reynes JM, Dutrop CM, Carli D, Levast M, Fontaine N, Denoyel GA, Philit JB. [Puumala hantavirus infection in Isère: Geographic extension of this zoonosis in France]. Med Mal Infect. 2015 May;45(5):177-80.

de Thoisy B, Matheus S, Catzeflis F, Clément L, Barrioz S, Guidez A, Donato D, Cornu JF, Brunaux O, Guitet S, Lacoste V, Lavergne A. Maripa hantavirus in French Guiana: phylogenetic position and predicted spatial distribution of rodent hosts. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2014 Jun;90(6):988-92.

Reynes JM, Razafindralambo NK, Lacoste V, Olive MM, Barivelo TA, Soarimalala V, Heraud JM, Lavergne A. Anjozorobe hantavirus, a new genetic variant of Thailand virus detected in rodents from Madagascar. Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis. 2014 Mar;14(3):212-9.

Reynes JM. Taxonomie des hantavirus et situation des hantaviruses en France. Bull Acad Vet France, 2013 ; 166(2) :155-62.

Mace G, Feyeux C, Mollard N, Chantegret C, Audia S, Rebibou J, Spagnolo G, Bour JB, Denoyel G, Sagot P, Reynes JM. Severe Seoul hantavirus infection in a pregnant woman, France, October 2012. Euro Surveill. 2013 Apr 25;18(17).

Matheus S, Lavergne A, de Thoisy B, Dussart P, Lacoste V. Complete genome sequence of a novel hantavirus variant of Rio Mamoré virus, Maripa virus, from French Guiana. J Virol. 2012 May;86(9):5399.

Mis à jour le 25/03/2025

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