PPU-Research & Technology Program

The PPU-Research & Technology Program gives access to a stimulating technological environment to carry out PhD student’s research project. This includes opportunities to conduct technological and methodological co-developments on high-end equipment under the supervision/in partnership with technology platforms or service and research units (UTechS). In addition, students of the PPU-Research & Technology Program will receive specific courses on soft skills, as Oral Presentation,
Journal Club, Workshop on Ethics, French Lessons.



This program will foster scientific projects involving the development of a new technology or methodology to answer a biological question with impact on human health. PhD students will work on collaborative projects between a laboratory and a technology platform or technology service unit and will spend a significant amount of their time in the partner technology platform or technology service unit. Selected students will receive a high-level and multidisciplinary training both in biology and technology for life sciences. Technology plays a crucial and ever-increasing role in scientific discoveries in the life sciences. Significant advances are often coupled to breakthroughs in technology. To permit a large number of research groups to benefit from the most advanced equipment and expertise, the Institut Pasteur has invested heavily into a its technological platforms. By spending a large fraction of their projects in a technology platform, the students in this program will benefit from training on advanced equipment by highly experienced personnel, with a project that poses significant challenges both on the scientific and technological level.

Download the flyer

Download the flyer (PDF)


PhD Program

Selected students will be co-supervised by a scientist and a technology expert. They will have access to a stimulating scientific and technological environment and will develop their skills both in life sciences research and in technology development. Students will have the opportunity to prepare for a career in academia as well as alternative ones (industry, technology platforms, large research infrastructures, ...). Students will be part of the International Doctoral Program (PPU) of the Institut Pasteur. For information about PPU student-specific training, activities, benefits, please visit the PPU web site: Learn More about PPU program

Scientific Project Eligibility and Thesis Co-Direction

Only scientific projects bridging fundamental or applied research to innovation in technology are eligible to apply to the PPU-R&T. The thesis project should involve a novel technological development or advances in a technique that is instrumental for advancing scientific knowledge in the framework of the thesis. These projects must be co-directed by a thesis supervisor working in a research IP laboratory and a thesis supervisor working in an IP technology platform or UTechS. In the description of their R&T project, co-directing supervisors must clearly describe their co-supervision plan and define who is the “leading supervisor” making decisions on how to advance work in the thesis. This can be either the laboratory or platform member if both have an HDR, and will be automatically the supervisor with HDR if only one of them has an HDR. Co-directors must both be based on the IP Paris campus.

Projects can be submitted by PIs from the campus on the PPU platform here. Deadline: June 29 to September 1, 2024

Candidate students can apply here. Deadline: September 9 to October 27, 2024

Selection Process

Mid-September: the internal selection committee (gender balance respected) composed of renowned scientists and managers of innovation in science will select a maximum of 4 projects per call based on the following criteria:

  • scientific project eligibility
  • co-director supervisor eligibility
  • IP scientific priorities in frame with the IP strategic plan.

Mid-September to end of October: PhD candidates apply for selected projects listed on the dedicated platform.


First 2 weeks of November: The project co-directors choose 2 possible candidates per project (one female and one male) and fill up a ranking application for each. The ranking application will be evaluated by the external selection committee.  The ranking criteria form is given in the file here

Download the file


Mid-November : The external selection committee receives the ranking tables per project indicating selected candidate marks.

Begining of December : the external selection committee sends their marks and choice of PhD candidate per R&D scientific project. All marks are assembled in a unique file Final Ranking Table

Download the Final Ranking Table


First week of February next year: The four candidates best ranked by the external selection committee will be interviewed by the internal selection committee and Institut Pasteur Human Resources during the PPU Interview Week using the following file Final Evaluation Table

Download the Final Evaluation Table


Out of the 4 projects/candidates, 1 to 2 will be funded based on the strategic final evaluation table and decision by the IP Scientific Director. The selected candidates are taken in charge by the PPU administrative annual process to join IP to start their thesis in October of the same year.

Program Directors

Michael NILGES, Vice President of Technology , Institut Pasteur

Raquel HURTADO ORTIZ, Head of the National Biobank of Microorganisms, Institut Pasteur

Cecilia PATITUCCI, Dean of the Pasteur-Paris University International Doctoral Program – PPU, Institut Pasteur

Monica SALA, Head of the Education Department., Institut Pasteur

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