Microbes and Infection publishes 8 peer-reviewed issues per year in all fields of infection and immunity, covering the different levels of host-microbe interactions, and in particular:
- the molecular biology and cell biology of the crosstalk between hosts (human and experimental animals) and microbes (viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi), including molecular virulence and evasion mechanisms.
- the immune response to infection, including pathogenesis and host susceptibility.
- emerging human infectious diseases.
- molecular epidemiology/genetics of host pathogen interactions.
- vaccine development, including novel strategies and adjuvants.
Clinical studies, accounts of clinical trials and biomarkers studies in infectious diseases, unless purely descriptive, are within the scope of the journal.
Microbes and Infection publishes articles on human pathogens or pathogens of model systems. However, articles on other microbes can be published if they contribute to our understanding of basic mechanisms of host-pathogen interactions. Purely descriptive and preliminary studies are discouraged.
Reviews of a major topic of current interest must be commissioned by a Microbes and Infection editor. Unsolicited contributions and presubmission enquiries will not be considered.
Special issues on the present knowledge of a virulent microbe and the disease it causes, the immune response in infectious disease, or on critical issues relevant to the scope of the journal.
- original article
- short communication
- review (commissionned)
- special issue (commissioned)
Please use our online e-submission site: https://www.editorialmanager.com/micinf/
Submission of revised manuscript: revision should be returned within two months
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General information
Limit the abstract to 200 words or less; limit the text to 5000 words or less. A maximum of 50 references is allowed; and a maximum of 6 figures and tables (total) is allowed. Papers not respecting theses rules will not be sent to the reviewers
Double-space throughout (including references, figure legends and table footnotes).
Use 2.5-cm (1 inch) margins on all four sides.
Use a font size of at least 12 points.
Number each page top right (title page is 1).
Number each chapter heading, starting with Introduction (see section 6.4. below)
Use either American or English spelling, but not both.
Number lines continuously.
In general, do not use capital letters (except for first letter) for titles, authors names, section headings, etc.
When referring to figures in the main text, "figure" is abbreviated to Fig. (e.g., Fig. 1). When referring to tables, use Arabic numerals (e.g., Table 2).
Differentiate between zero and the letter O, and between the number one and the letter "l".
5.1. Microorganisms
Follow guidelines of the International Nomenclature Committee. Genus and species are written in full the first time the name appears in text; subsequently, only use the first letter of the genus, followed by the species (e.g., Escherichia coli, then E. coli). Note the space between the genus abbreviation and the species.
5.2. Units of measurement
Follow the Système International (SI). Always respect the space between the number and the unit (e.g., 100 °C, 25 mg). Do not use commas for decimals. Use small "l" for liter.
5.3. Use of italic/roman type
Genetic loci are italicized; protein products of the loci are not italicized. Latin words in current use, such as in vitro/vivo/situ, via, et al., a posteriori, etc., are not italicized (note the use of abbreviative points for expressions such as cf., e.g., i.e., et al., etc., which appear in roman type).
5.4. When using Greek letters, use the “font” command and not “insert”.
6.1. Title page
Title: avoid using uppercase letters other than the first word. Do not use nonstandard acronyms or abbreviations.
Authors’ names: full first name followed by family name of each author. Superscript letters (a, b, etc.), not numbers, link the author’s name to his/her affiliation. The name of the author responsible for correspondence and proof correction is indicated by an asterisk (*) after the superscript letter. Use commas to separate names; do not use ’and’ before the last author’s name.
Affiliations: The complete address (department and/or laboratory, college, university, and full postal address) for each author, preceded by the superscript letter (a, b, etc.) should follow the list of names.
Each address is in a separate paragraph.
Up-to-date telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address, and present, complete postal address of the corresponding author appear separately on the title page.
6.2. Abstract and keywords
Abstract: a maximum of 200 words, summarizing the objective, and major conclusions. Do not use references, footnotes or abbreviations in the abstract.
Keywords: below the abstract, provide a list of at least 3 keywords (max 6 keywords) which exist in the MeSH® thesaurus. They are in lowercase letters, separated by semi-colons. They are used for indexing your paper and express the precise content.
6.3. Abbreviations
Used as an aid to the reader (therefore, sparingly), for words used at least 3 times, they are defined in the text the first time they appear, followed by the abbrevation in parentheses. Use this abbreviation thereafter.
6.4. Main text of original reports
Each chapter is numbered according to international standard (1. - 1.1. - 1.1.1., etc.). (See model below). For chapter headings, avoid using uppercase letters other than the first word, and do not use punctuation at the end.
The length of the main text should not exceed 5000 words.
Model for numbering of chapters
1. Introduction
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Infection models
2.1.1. Mouse model
Titles in bold and subtitiles in italic not bold
1. Introduction: it should not summarize the results.
2. Materials and methods: avoid the use of commercial names.
3. Results: present the observations, with minimal reference to earlier literature and to interpretations.
4. Discussion: Avoid repeating parts of the Results.
Acknowledgments: personal acknowledgments precede those of agencies and institutions.
Conflict of interest: All authors are requested to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest including any financial, personal or other relationships with other people or organizations within three years of beginning the submitted work that could inappropriately influence, or be perceived to influence, their work. See also http://www.elsevier.com/conflictsofinterest. If you have no conflict of interest, please state it.
6.5. References
References are limited to 50
In main text
Numbered references appear in the main text between square brackets ([1], [2, 3], [4–7], etc.), in the order of appearance in the text, from 1 to n.
In reference list
Numbering corresponds to the references in the text; the list is not in alphabetical order. Journal titles are abbreviated according to Index Medicus and Biosis. Only published work and manuscripts in press (indicate the journal which has accepted them, "ahead of print" and DOI number) appear in the list. Manuscripts in the submitted stage, or in preparation, and personal communications are designated "unpublished" in the text but are not numbered and do not appear in the list at the end.
Please use the order/style given in the following examples, as well as the exact punctuation. Use square brackets for the numbering.
If there are more than 6 authors, the first 6 authors names should be listed followed by et al.
[1] Wu XB, Tian LH, Zou HJ, Wang CY, Yu ZQ, Tang CH, et al. Outer membrane protein OmpW of Escherichia coli* is required for resistance to phagocytosis. Res Microbiol 2014;164:848-55.
*Genus and species names in italics
An entire volume:
[2] Melchiorre C, Giannella M. Highlights in receptor chemistry, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1984.
A chapter in a book:
[3] Takeda K, Akira S. Toll-like receptors: ligands and signalling, in Kaufmann SHE, Medzhitov R, Gordon S (Eds), The innate immune response to infection, ASM Press, Washington, DC, 2004, pp 257-70.
To obtain the updated EndNote style of our journal, please visit: http://endnote.com/downloads/style/microbes-and-infection
6.6 Legends of figures
Place all legends (including title for each) together on one page. Figures are consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals (Fig. 1, 2, etc.), according to the order of appearance in the main text.
6.7. Figures
a maximum of 6 figures and tables (total) is allowed.
Magnification is indicated by a scale bar.
In the text, indicate where figures should appear: these call-outs are written as "Fig.1, Fig.2", etc.
Upload each figure separately.
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In the text, indicate where tables should appear: these call-outs for tables are written as "Table 1, Table 2, " etc.
Tables are consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals (Table 1, 2, etc.), according to the order of appearance in the main text. Each table carries a short title describing its contents in relation to the main text. Except for the heading and bottom of the table, avoid horizontal dividing lines; vertical lines are completely omitted from any table. Instead, the first column is left-aligned, and other columns are generally centered. (When making tables, use “insert” command and not “tabulation”).
Only the first letter of each heading is capitalized, and any units appear in parentheses after or under the corresponding heading in roman characters. Footnotes are collected under a table and referred to in the table by superscript letters (a, b, etc.). References in tables are numbered between square brackets, e.g., [5].
Upload each table separately.
Reviews do not exceed 7000 words. References are limited to 70. Reviews begin with an abstract of about 50 words, stating the topic of the review or summarizing its content. The main text may be divided into sections with subheadings, and it ends with a concluding section. All sections are to be numbered.
Follow the instructions for original reports. 100 words (abstract), 2500 words (main text),25 references maximum, 3 figures/tables total.
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Olivier Dussurget
Yersinia Research Unit
Microbiology Department
Institut Pasteur
75015 Paris, France
Email: olivier.dussurget@pasteur.fr
Akio Adachi Vishukumar Aimanianda
Molecular Mycology Unit
Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
Shizuo Akira Thimotée Bruel
Virus and immunity Unit
Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
Jose A. Chabalgoity Department of Biotechnology, Instituto de Higiene, Facultad de Medicina Avda. A. Navarro 3051, Montevideo, CP 11600 Uruguay jachabal@higiene.edu.uy Srabasti J Chakravorty
Keele University Faculty of Natural Sciences School of Life Sciences Huxley Building, Staffordshire, ST5 5BG United Kingdom Richelle Charles
The Charles Laboratory at Mass General
Jackson Building, 5th Floor
55 Fruit Street Boston, MA02117,USA
Caroline Demeret Molecular Genetics of RNA Viruses Unit
Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
Eric Denkers Department of Microbiology and Immunology College of Veterinary Medicine Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853-6401 eyd1@cornell.edu Petra Dersch Laurent Dortet
Service de Bactériologie-Hygiène
Hôpital Bicêtre AP-HP
Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France
Daniel .G. Dunia
Filipa Godoy-Vitorino
Univiversity of Puerto Rico,
School of Medicine, USA
Michael Good Griffith University Insitute for Glycomics Gold Coast Campus QLD 4222 Southport, Queensland Australia michael.good@griffith.edu.au Jean-Pierre Gorvel Centre d’immunologie de Marseille Luminy Case 906 13288 Marseille Cedex 09 gorvel@ciml.univ-mrs.fr Gilbert Greub Institute of Microbiology University of Lausanne 1011 Lausanne, Switzerland gilbert.greub@chuv.ch Georg Häcker Abt. Mikrobiologie u. Hygiene Inst. f. Med. Mikrobiologie u. Hygiene Hermann-Herder-Str. 11 79104 Freiburg, Germany georg.haecker@uniklinik-freiburg.de Sven Hammerschmidt Institute for genetics and functional genomics Department of genetics Ernst Moritz Arndt University Greifswald Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Strasse 15a D-17487 Greifswald sven.hammerschmidt@uni-greifswald.de Rainer Haas Natkunam Ketheesan
University of New England,
Elm Avenue, Armidale NSW 2351, Australia
Sven Krappmann Dhafer Laouni Ana Maldonado-Contreras
University of Massachusetts,
UMass Chan Medical School, USA
Keith Matthews School of Biological Sciences
EH9 3JR, Edinburgh, UK
Bruno Lemaitre Meryem Lemrani
Laboratory of Parasitology and Vector-Borne-Diseases,
Institut Pasteur du Maroc, Casablanca
Patricia Lepage
Edmund Loh
Tumor and Cell Biology,
Karolinska Institutet
Solna, Sweden
Shirley Luckart Department of Biological Sciences
University of Idaho 875 Perimeter Drive, MS 3051 |
Shirley Luckart
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Idaho 875 Perimeter Drive, MS 3051 Moscow, Idaho 83844-3051 Hugo D. Lujan Jean-Paul Motta
Institute of Digestive Health Research
IRSD, INSERM U1220, Toulouse, France
David M. Ojcius University of the Pacific,, Department of Biomedical Sciences
San Francisco, California, USA
Andrew J. Olive Michigan State University
5198 Biomedical Physical Sciences
567 Wilson Rd
East Lansing, MI 48824-4320, USA
Manisha Pandey Kai Papenfort
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Bioinstrumentezentrum, M1E3
Winzerlaer Straße 2
07745, Jena, Germany
Bénédicte Py International Center for Infectiology Research (CIRI)
INSERM U1111 - CNRS UMR5308 Université Lyon 1 - ENS de Lyon 21 avenue Tony Garnier 69007 Lyon, France Lisa F.P. Ng
Lilliana Radoshevich
University of Iowa, 51 Newton Road, BSB 3-352E,
Iowa City, Iowa 52242
Barry T. Rouse Department of Microbiology The University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN 37996-0845 btr@utk.edu Jan Rupp Institut fûr Med. Mikrobiologie und Hygiene Infektionsambulanz/ Med. klinik III Ratzeburger Allee 160 23538 Lûbeck, Germany Jan.Rupp@uk-sh.de Jean-Michel Sallenave
INSERM U1152, Laboratoire d'Excellence Inflamex,
Université de Paris, Hôpital Bichat-Claude-Bernard,
Paris 75014, France.
Philippe Sansonetti Pathogénie microbienne moléculaire Institut Pasteur 75724 Paris cedex 15 France psanson@pasteur.fr Ulrich Schaible London School of Hygiene &Tropical Medecine University of London 4th Floor North Courtyard room 483, keppel Street, London WC1E 7HT UK ulrich.schaible@lshtm.ac.uk Sergio Schenkman Universidade Federal de Sao Paolo Rua Pedro de Toledo 669 6a 04039-032 São Paulo, S.P. Brazil sschenkman@unifesp.br Shin-Ru Shih Department of Medical Biotechnology and Laboratory Science Chang Gung University Medical Director, Clinical Virology Laboratory, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital 259 Wen-Hua 1st Road, Kwei-Shan, Taoyuan, 333, Taiwan srshih@mail.cgu.edu.tw Anthony Sinai Department of Microbiology & Immunology and Molecular Genetics, University of Kentucky College of Medicine 800 Rose St., Lexington, KY 40536 USA sinai@uky.edu Tomasz Skirecki
Laboratory of Flow Cytometry
Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education, Warsaw, Poland
Graham Stewart Department of Microbial Sciences
University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH, UK
Shan Su State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology and MOE Frontiers Center for
Brain Science, Fudan University, Shanghai 200031, China
Fabienne Tacchini-Cottier Adam Taylor
Menzies Health Institute Queensland
Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus Southport, Queensland 4222 AUSTRALIA a.taylor1@griffith.edu.au
Yu-Huan Tsai
National Yang-Ming University,
Taipei, Taiwan
Diederik van de Beek
Amsterdam University Medical Centres,
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Matthias von Herrath Honorine Ward Michael Zdenek David
423 Guardian Drive
707 Blockley Hall Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA Zongfu Wu
College of Veterinary Medicine, Nanjing Agricultural University,
No. 1 Weigang, Nanjing 210014, China
Chunfu Zheng Department of Microbiology, Immunology & Infection Diseases
University of Calgary,
Health Research Innovation Centre
3330 Hospital Drive NW, Calgary, AB T2N 4N1 Canada
If you wish to have more information concerning our journal, please write to:
Desk Editor:
Jean Kanellopoulos
email: microbes@pasteur.fr
Managing Editor:
Géraldine Legras
email: microbes@pasteur.fr
Institut Pasteur
Publications Service
28 rue du Dr.Roux
75724 Paris cedex 15, France
fax : 33 1 45 68 81 84