Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing scientific research, particularly in the life sciences, by facilitating the processing of vast amounts of data and accelerating advancements in computational biology, genomics, and image analysis. Aware of this transformation, the Institut Pasteur has integrated AI into its projects from the outset and is further strengthening this commitment through the strategic plan "Pasteur 2030". To keep pace with the rapid evolution of technologies, the Institut Pasteur offers a series of internal workshops for its entire scientific community.
A Theoretical Workshop to Train the Next Generation of Researchers
Practical Workshops: Learning by Doing
In addition, practical workshops have been implemented for all scientists at the Institut Pasteur. These workshops allow each researcher, student, or engineer to develop hands-on AI skills and apply them directly to their specific research fields. A variety of topics are covered, ranging from neuroscience to structural biology, including genomics. Led by experts, these workshops enable participants to refine their skills using cutting-edge software and advanced techniques tailored to the specifics of each research area.
Pasteur Course NEUBIAS: AI in Image Analysis
For scientists outside of the Institut Pasteur and Pasteurians wishing to enhance their AI skills, the Pasteur Course "NEUBIAS: European BioImage Analysts Network," dedicated to AI-assisted image processing, is offered. Combining theory and practice, this course provides participants with the tools needed to analyze bioimages using advanced techniques and new algorithms.
AI, an Essential Asset for the Research of Tomorrow
With artificial intelligence, the Institut Pasteur is fully committed to addressing the scientific challenges of tomorrow, ensuring that its researchers have the necessary skills to fully leverage this technology. Current initiatives, combined with the vision of the strategic plan "Pasteur 2030," ensure that the Institut Pasteur will remain at the forefront of AI innovation, thereby contributing to transforming how researchers tackle the complex challenges of biology and medicine.
Photo credits:
© Background image: Unsplash - Conny Schneider
© Institut Pasteur - François Gardy