Other ways of giving

As well as giving directly to the Institut Pasteur, you can contribute to its research by getting involved in one of the campaigns launched by its partners.


Charity bank cards, charity savings accounts and loyalty points... Read on to find out about some of the many different ways you can support the Institut Pasteur's work.


Banque Privée Européenne – BPE Altruis program 

BPE Altruis is a fundraising scheme that enables the bank's customers to make a small set donation to the Institut Pasteur every time they make a payment of over €20 with their bank card. Customers can choose from three different amounts: €0.50, €1 or €2. You can also apply for a special Institut Pasteur Gold Card. The BPE's Sustainable Initiative Account is also a way of making a contribution to charitable projects. All or some of the interest generated is given to charitable organizations, including the Institut Pasteur.




The SIMPLIDONS program is a free monthly service that enables the bank's customers to donate any leftover euro cents after their account is rounded down to the nearest euro, together with a small donation (between €1 and €50), to an organization of their choice, such as the Institut Pasteur. The bank also allows you to customize the image on your bank card to show your support for the Institut Pasteur.



Société générale

Holders of the bank's special Charity Collection cards can support causes close to their heart by choosing a specific charitable organization, such as the Institut Pasteur. For each payment made with the card, Société Générale gives 5 euro cents to the chosen organization. The Charity Savings Service gives a whole new meaning to your savings by offering you the opportunity to donate some or all of the interest in your savings account to one or more charitable organizations such as the Institut Pasteur. This service is also offered to Banque Fédérale Mutualiste customers.



Crédit Coopératif

You can add a charitable dimension to your savings at Crédit Coopératif. With its Charitable Mutual Savings Fund, known as Finansol, you can choose the Institut Pasteur as beneficiary of part of the annual income generated by your savings, via an annual donation. With this scheme, 66% of the amount you donate is tax deductible. Your savings are also freely accessible at all times.


Contact us:

Our Donor Service team is always happy to offer help and advice

If you have any questions, contact us by telephone: +33 (0)1 40 61 33 33 or by email.



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