A national media event
Every October, the Institut Pasteur organizes a fundraising weekend known as Pasteurdon to raise funds and awareness about its research among the general public.
A number of companies are involved in this major fundraising event, alongside several television channels, 14 national radio stations, presenters and journalists, and a loyal patron: Alexandra Lamy.
Download the 2016 Pasteurdon press kit (Only available in French)
How can I raise money during Pasteurdon?
Involve customers and employees

- Get customers involved by giving them the opportunity to contribute when purchasing products or services (charity-linked products, co-branded products, price round-ups at the checkout, donation cards, the chance to donate with an online shopping cart, etc.), through a loyalty program (donating points, donating if you create an affinity card, etc.) or with events at sales outlets (new products, tombolas, etc.).
Each year, the Mousquetaires Foundation organizes a major charity-linked product campaign in participating Intermarché and Bricomarché stores.
- Involve employees by organizing sports events and initiatives to raise awareness or funds.
Tarifold puts on a range of events at its Geispolsheim site in Alsace each year such as open days or sports competitions, which provide an opportunity to find out more about the Institut Pasteur's research and raise funds.
- Publicize the campaign and appeal for donations via communication materials and social media.
iGraal lets its members known about its fundraising campaigns in aid of the Institut Pasteur and gives them the opportunity to convert their cashback into donations to advance research.
Put on an event

Organize a fundraising event at the Institut Pasteur (an evening function, concert, auction, etc.) or elsewhere. You can also turn an event that's already in your calendar into a fundraising opportunity for Pasteurdon.
For everyone that signs up for the Assu 2000 Défi Run, a 5 or 10km obstacle race, €1 is donated to the Institut Pasteur to fund a research program on cardiovascular diseases.
You can choose to give the money you raise for Pasteurdon to research teams working on a specific disease or topic.
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