Economist Jim O’Neill, and other experts, discuss Antimicrobial Resistance at the Institut Pasteur

On September 26, 2019, as part of its Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) initiative the Institut Pasteur hosted a round table discussion on the economic context of the fight against AMR. Lord Jim O’Neill, economist and author of the famous O’Neill report, a publication instrumental in putting AMR on the political landscape, was a key contributor, along with other experts representing public health, research, government, and private sectors.


Jules Bordet, le "Pasteur" de Belgique

Une bactérie porte son nom. Il reçut il y a tout juste 100 ans un prix Nobel pour ses travaux sur l’immunité. Découvreur en série, l’homme était aussi réputé pour sa grande modestie et son humanité.


Tout savoir sur les méningites, un enjeu de santé publique

L’Organisation mondiale de la santé tient une réunion de haut niveau à l’Institut Pasteur, ce 26 avril 2024. L’enjeu : rappeler l’importance de lutter contre la méningite. Ou plutôt « les » méningites. Car cette maladie revêt des formes diverses, souvent graves, parfois foudroyantes. Mieux la connaître est donc essentiel. Quels sont les symptômes, comment la prévenir ? La vaccination est la solution, pour protéger les individus, mais aussi lutter contre les épidémies dans le monde.


Lassa fever: vaccine set to be trialed

There is currently no vaccine for the Lassa arenavirus, which causes Lassa fever. This hemorrhagic fever, endemic in West Africa, infects up to 300,000 people each year. Given the urgency of the situation, scientists in the Biology of Viral Emerging Infections Unit and the Viral Genomics and Vaccination Unit at the Institut Pasteur evaluated the efficacy of several vaccine candidates. Following their analyses, they identified one of these vaccines, based on the measles platform, as being the most effective to enter clinical testing in humans as soon as possible.


National Health Laboratory Project launched

Yangon, 27 September 2019

French Development Agency (AFD), European Union (EU) and Ministry of Health and Sports (MoHS) to collaborate on improving Myanmar’s ability to diagnose and manage infectious diseases


Lancement du projet du National Health Laboratory au Myanmar

Yangon, 27 septembre 2019

L'Agence Française de Développement (AFD), l'Union Européenne (UE) et le ministère de la Santé et des Sports du Myanmar (MoHS) collaborent pour améliorer les capacités de diagnostic et de contrôle des maladies infectieuses.


Rage : un protocole de vaccination plus court et moins coûteux, en cas de morsure suspecte de chien

Une étude menée par des équipes de l’Institut Pasteur du Cambodge et de l’Institut Pasteur à Paris entérine l’efficacité du nouveau protocole vaccinal post-exposition contre la rage développé dans le Réseau International des Instituts Pasteur et adopté par l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS).


A tobacco-dependence gene responsible for alcohol dependence

A series of human genome-wide studies have revealed a strong correlation between a chromosomal locus and the risk of developing tobacco dependence. One mutation has been identified in particular (rs16969968, or SNPα5). Studies have investigated whether this mutation is also associated with alcoholism, given the known high comorbidity between tobacco and alcohol addiction. A team from the Institut Pasteur and the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) recently observed that rats carrying the SNPα5 mutation have an increased appetite for alcohol.


Success of the 2019 Z Event in aid of the Institut Pasteur

During the 2019 Z Event, 54 streamers mobilized their communities for more than 54 hours in aid of the Institut Pasteur. €3.5 million was raised during the video game marathon, which saw the participation of France's top e-sport players. This extraordinary sum will be directly allocated to scientific research. The Institut Pasteur is very proud to have been involved in such a large-scale event, which attracted interest and support from well beyond the traditional video game streaming community.



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