Renforcement de l’accord de partenariat entre l'IRD et l'Institut Pasteur

Le Pr Michel Laurent, Président de l'Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) et le Pr Christian Bréchot, Directeur général de l’Institut Pasteur ont signé, le 16 avril 2014, un avenant à l’accord de partenariat signé en 2010. Cet accord vise à développer des projets de recherche conjoints dans les régions et les collectivités d’Outre-mer et dans des pays situés en Afrique, en Méditerranée, en Asie du Sud-est, en Amérique latine et dans l'Océan Indien.


Professor Patrick Berche new President ot the Institut Pasteur in Lille

Pr Patrick Berche will take over as President of the Institut Pasteur in Lille in July 1st, 2014 after formal appointment on January 10th, 2014.

Patrick Berche holds the position of Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Paris-Descartes, his mandate will end on June 30th, 2014. He will be in charge of the Institut Pasteur’s Scientific Director in Lille from January to June 2014.


Signing of an agreement with Myanmar within the framework of the ECOMORE project

The Institut Pasteur, the Institut Pasteur in Cambodia, the National Health Laboratory (based in Yangon), and the national Health authorities of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar signed a first Technical Collaborative Agreement within the framework of the ECOMORE project (“ECOnomic Development, ECOsystem MOdifications, & Emerging Infectious Diseases Risk Evaluation”). This ambitious project, supported by the AFD, aims in Myanmar to strengthen the national capacities for diagnostic and surveillance of severe respiratory infectious diseases, mainly affecting children.


Alejandro Buschiazzo from the Institut Pasteur in Montevideo is the laureat of the 2014 François Jacob’s Prize

Alejandro Buschiazzo awarded the François Jacob’s Prize given by Professor Christian Bréchot, President of the Institut Pasteur on January 24th, 2014. This Award recognizes his work on crystallography, his great commitment in the interface with the Institut Pasteur International Network especially in a leptospirosis' project and the creation of a structural biology network in Latin America.


Visit of S.E. Essa Al Haj Al Maidoor, Director-General of the Dubai Health Authority

On February 18th, the Institut Pasteur welcomed the Director-General’s delegation of the Dubai Health Authority (DHA), S.E. Essa Al Haj Al Maidoor. They were received by Pr Christian Brechot, President of the Institut Pasteur, by Dr. Marc Jouan, General Secretary of the Institut Pasteur International Network and the Head of the Molecular Genetics RNA Viruses Unit/CNR influenzae virus, Pr Sylvie van der Werf.


Designation of a WHO Collaborating Centre for the Surveillance of Anti-malarial Drug Ressistance - Institut Pasteur in French-Guiana

The World Health Organisation has designed the Laboratoire de Parasitologie de l'Institut Pasteur de la Guyane as WHO Collaborating Centre for the Surveillance of Anti-malarial Drug Resistance.

Lise Musset and Eric Legrand will act as Heads of this new Centre attached to the WHO Americas Region (AMRO). This designation as a WHO Collaborating Centre (WHOCC) is effective for a period of four years from January 2014 to January 2018.


The Institut Pasteur in Guadeloupe is mobilizing against Chikungunya

The Institut Pasteur in Guadeloupe is mobilizing against Chikungunya through the development of a rapid detection test allowing the Medical Laboratory to bring a diagnosis to patients within five days after blood sample.


A renovation for the Institut Pasteur in Madagascar

On March 6th, 2014 the Professor Christian BRECHOT, President of the Institut Pasteur, has inaugurated the Girard renovated building of the Institut Pasteur in Madagascar. This building built in 1935 has been brought up to international standards with fundings from the French Ministry of Research to meet quality and scientific excellence requirement.

The Girard building hosts the following units:


Le Pr Patrick Berche nouveau directeur général de l’Institut Pasteur de Lille

Le Pr Patrick Berche assurera ses fonctions de directeur général de l’IP Lille à partir du 1er juillet 2014 après nomination officielle le 10 janvier 2014. 

Patrick Berche occupe actuellement le poste de doyen de la Faculté de médecine Paris-Descartes, son mandat prendra fin au 30 juin 2014. Il assurera au sein de l’Institut Pasteur de Lille le poste de directeur scientifique de janvier à juin 2014.


Signature d'un accord avec le Myanmar dans le cadre du projet ECOMORE

L’Institut Pasteur, l’Institut Pasteur du Cambodge, le National Health Laboratory (basé à Yangon) et les autorités nationales de Santé de la République de l’Union du Myanmar ont signé un premier accord de collaboration scientifique dans le cadre du projet ECOMORE (“ECOnomic Development, ECOsystem MOdifications, & Emerging Infectious Diseases Risk Evaluation”).



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