It is with great sadness and deep emotion that we learned of the death on Saturday 09 June in Marseille of Pr Ogobara Doumbo.
Born in Mali in the Dogon ethnic group, Professor Doumbo held two medical theses, one in France and the other one in Mali. A specialist in parasitology, he was recognized worldwide for his contribution to advances in research in the field of malaria epidemiology and pathogenesis.

In 1992, he participated in the creation of the Malaria Research and Training Center at the University of Bamako. Spread over a dozen sites across the country, this center that combines research, training and access to care has established itself as a reference in West Africa.
During his career, he has conducted numerous projects in collaboration with the scientists of the Institut Pasteur International Network. He also enlightened our Network's scientific vision by taking part in the scientific advisory boards of several members, the latest being that of the Institut Pasteur de Dakar, where he has served from 2014 to 2017.
The entire Institut Pasteur International Network wishes to salute the memory and the immense work of this great man of science and sends his most sincere condolences to his family and close friends and collaborators.
2013, Professor Doumbo participated in a conference at the Pasteur Institute © Institut Pasteur / François Gardy