This program allows students from the University of Szeged (USZ) to spend 3 to 6 months in a laboratory at Institut Pasteur (IP). Applicants are selected through a competitive call, based on the analysis of the CV and their work plan. Financial background is provided via the Erasmus+ frame of the University of Szeged and the activity is qualified as a training program. In order to maximize their motivation selected trainees are allowed to choose their host laboratory at IP. Candidates are selected by the committee appointed by the Rector of USZ and can then integrate a laboratory of their choice. The traineeship lasts 6 months maximum.
This call is reserved to full-time students and PhD students of the University of Szeged studying at the Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School, the Faculty of Pharmacy, the Faculty of Dentistry and Institute of Biology at the Faculty of Science and Informatics, who have completed successfully four semesters of their studies.
Selections are carried out through a public call for applications based on competitive criteria and addressed to students at USZ, complying with the following requirements:
- letter of motivation (max 1 page)
- CV (max 2 pages Europass format)
- work plan (max 2 pages)
- good command of English (B2)
- certificate of enrolment from the host laboratory
The applications are evaluated by the Committee on the basis of the following criteria: work plan; motivation letter; average marks of passed examination; knowledge of English; number of publications; former national/international experience (Erasmus, etc).
Detailed research projects are requested in advance from the hosting laboratories. The selected candidates receive the work programs offered by all the hosting IP laboratories and are invited to express up to 2 preferences, well-motivated on the basis of their CV. Their choices are satisfied on the basis of the candidates’ ranking but also evaluating the consistency between their preparation and the formative contents of the work program to be carried out in the host country on the one hand, and the compliance with specific requirements by the hosting laboratories on the other. The CVs are then submitted to the hosting laboratories, which are free to request further information, to interview potential trainees and to reject all applications if not satisfied. After evaluation of the candidates, the host laboratories communicate their decision relative to the acceptance of the candidates to the University of Szeged.
Submission of the projects proposals by the host laboratories is provided annually. Candidate should hand in application materials by email to and one original copy to the International Mobility Center of the University of Szeged. The acceptance of a candidate by the host laboratory should be confirmed through a formal letter (e-mail). After the acceptance, the tutor can plan with the trainee the start date of the placement, the logistics aspects, etc.
The training period will last 3 to 6 months. The limit date for the training will be determined by USZ.
The students interested in the traineeship at IP should contact
Mr. Tibor Zilahi at the International Mobility Center of the University of Szeged
H-6720 Szeged, Dugonics tér 13.