Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris

A partnership was signed with the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, which provides 60 rooms to the Institut Pasteur.


The CIUP is located in the south of Paris, 17 Boulevard Jourdan, in a 34ha park : 40 residences, collective facilities (swimming pool, stadium, theatre, university restaurant, etc...), and support services  (administratives formalities, daily life in Paris, help in finding accommodation). Every year it hosts over 12 000 students and researchers from 130 different nationalities.


The accommodations are reserved for adults, non-residents in the Greater Paris area:

Students studying at a minimum level of Masters’ 1 (Bac + 4) or equivalent

- Phd students
- Students attending Institut Pasteur’s courses, who confirmed their registration with the Teaching Center team
- Trainees whose conditions were approved by the Human Resources Department (Internship agreement signed)

Postdoctoral researchers:

- External (OREX) whose the terms of the collaboration with a team from the Pasteur Institute were approved by the Human Ressources Department (research agreement)
- Employees of the Pasteur Institute (fixed term contract)
- From Institut Pasteur International Network.



-38 one person-rooms

-16 one person studios are available iat the » Fondation Deutsch de la Meurthe », Pavillon Pierre et Marie Curie.

These studio apartments are furnished, have a bathroom and a fully-equipped kitchen (electric cooking hob, microwave, fridge). They also have an internet access. The Deutsch de la Meurthe Foundation provides bed linen and blankets, but no bath or kitchen towels. A lavomatic is available within the Foundation.

« Fondation Deutsch de la Meurthe », Pavillon Pasteur and at the « Collège Franco-Britannique »: 39 individual rooms – with shower, wc, single bed; common kitchen on the floor are available.

- 6 studios flats for 2 persons, with shower, wc, kitchenette  at the « Maison des Provinces de France » as well.

The length of stay cannot exceed one year.

For doctoral students, the length of stay can be extended to 3 years, outside of the Partnership. An extension request has to be done once a year.

Children cannot be admitted and occupancy rate is only permitted within the limits described in each house.


Eligible persons should download and fill out the « 

 ». Precise dates of arrival and departure should be given as they will be used to evaluate the rent and the deposit.

Arrival is strictly impossible on Sundays and public holidays.

Forms completed and signed by the applicant should be sent to M. Jean Mandart, Service des Legs et Gestion du Patrimoine Immobilier, 25 rue du Docteur Roux, 75015 PARIS, FRANCE ( Scanned documents are accepted and can be posted, faxed or emailed.

Accommodation requests are confirmed once applicants have been accepted on a course or their relevant internship agreement has been approved and all the administrative formalities of their stay at the Institut Pasteur have been completed. Applicants receive a reply stating acceptance or rejection of their request subject to accommodation availability. Upon acceptance, the request will be submitted to the CIUP for approval


Studio apartments and rooms are let on a two-weekly or monthly basis

Rents have to be paid to Mr Jean MANDART,

Service des Legs et Gestion du Patrimoine Immobilier

See Information

Payments can be done in cash (in Euro only) or by check (bank or post office account) made out to Institut Pasteur, or by credit card. No other form of payment will be accepted (e.g. bank transfers, travelers’ checks and foreign currency).


Rates include all charges and taxes.

Single room 629 euros / month

314,5 euros / 2 weeks

1 person studio apartment

855 euros / month

427.5 euros / 2 weeks

2 persons studio apartment

950 euros / month

475 euros / 2 weeks



  • Thursday : from 1 :00 pm to 5 :00 pm
  • Friday : from 1 :00 pm to 5:00 pm



28 rue du Docteur Roux

Social Building ( N° 06)  - Ground Floor – Office N° 21A

75015  PARIS

tél. :+33 1 40 61 35 70

E-mail :



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