November 28th, in Conakry, and November 29th, in Macenta
On November 28th, the President Hollande went to Guinea. He was accompanied by the President of the Institut Pasteur, Pr Christian Bréchot.
Guided by the Executive Director of the Donka’s University Hospital, the President visited the laboratory supported by the Institut Pasteur in Dakar and participated in a Roundtable "The response against Ebola virus. A memorandum of understanding and an agreement was signed by Pr Bréchot, AFD and the Guinean Ministers of health, higher education and research for the creation of an Institut Pasteur in Conakry at the end of 2016. According to Pr Bréchot, the new center will focus "on high potential epidemic diseases, responsible for several major and severe episodes in Guinea in recent years" as Ebola and other viral hemorrhagic fevers. The Institut Pasteur in Guinea, through formation, will also strengthen human resource capacity with the help of the Institut Pasteur in the region.

On November 29th, Pr Bréchot visited the Ebola Treatment Centre of Macenta in Guinea’s forest region, coordinated by the French Red Cross with the support of the French and Guinean authorities. There, the Institut Pasteur has deployed a diagnostic laboratory. Three volunteers are actually in charge of this laboratory.