The management team

The Institut Pasteur is operated by the President, under the authority of the Board of Directors and supported by a management team composed of an Executive Committee and a Committee of Directors.


The President

The President is the Institut Pasteur's legal representative. It is a scientific personality appointed for four years, renewable once. It prepares and implements strategic directions. He is assisted in his duties by a director in charge of administrative and financial matters, as well as by other members of management.

Institut Pasteur senior management team

President Prof. Yasmine Belkaid
Senior Executive Vice-President François Romaneix
Senior Executive Scientific Vice-President Christophe D'Enfert
Research Applications and Industrial Relations Department Isabelle Buckle
Department of Communications - Scientific Outreach  Henri Pitron
Department of Philanthropy Antoine Bogaerts
International Affairs Department Odette Tomescu-Hatto
General Counsel Samuel Valcke
Technical Resources and Environment Department Nathalie Denoyés
Financial Affairs Department Françoise Perriolat
Medical Department Pierre Buffet
Human Resources Department Frédéric Durand
Technology and Scientific Programs Department Michael Nilges
Information Systems Department Stéphane Fournier
Department of Education Monica Sala
Scientific Careers and Assessment Department Didier Mazel
Internal Audit and Control Department Eric Laclide
Delegate for Safety and Security François Thibault


This English version is for information only, it does not have any legal value.

The French version prevails.

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