Since the end of 2015 and the cool down of the political crisis marked by the election in February of the new President of the Central African Republic, Prof. Faustin Archange Touadéra, the Institut Pasteur in Bangui has seen a significant resumption in all its activities.
Despite successive political crisis and three civil wars, that raged for the past 15 years in the country, the Institut Pasteur in Bangui remained open without interruption, fulfilling its public health role for the Central African population.
However, political instability and insecurity had severely impacted the activity of the institute notably concerning research. The improvement of the situation opens up new perspectives especially in terms of international cooperations. "Currently, all services are optimally running and the clinical laboratory of the institut sometimes hosts over 200 patients per day » says Jean-Pierre Lombart, Director of the Institut Pasteur in Bangui.
On the occasion of their visit on the 19 and 20 July, Christian Bréchot, President of the Institut Pasteur, and Marc Jouan, International Vice-President, have witnessed this new dynamism and salute the staff commitment’s whose efforts have maintained the Institut Pasteur in Bangui as the first laboratory in the country
Christian Bréchot was received during the visit by the President of the Central African Republic who stressed the essential role of the Institut Pasteur for public health, research and training in the field of infectious diseases in support to local authorities.