The second day of the Institut Pasteur International Symposium started with the Robert Deschiens Prize awarded to Elisabeth Ravaoarisoa, research engineer at the Institut Pasteur in Madagascar. The laureate, rewarded for her work on the evaluation of malaria control strategies in Madagascar, received her prize from Yves Buisson, President of the Exotic Pathology Society.
Since 10 years, Elisabeth Ravaoarisoa works on several research projects on the prevention and treatment of malaria at the Institut Pasteur in Madagascar in the Malaria Research Unit and the Unit for infectious diseases and immunology. In Madagascar, 70% of population remain at risk of infection, and malaria is one of the main cause of mortality in particular among children.

Robert Deschiens Prize
The Robert Deschiens Prize is awarded each year by the Exotic Pathology Society to a young researcher from the Institut Pasteur International Network in recognition of the quality a fundamental or applied research study on health improvement in intertropical areas and presented during the Institut Pasteur International Network Symposium.
Created in 1908 by Louis-Alphonse Laveran (1907 Nobel Prize in Medicine), Exotic Pathology Society (EPS) aims to study exotic diseases in both humans and animals, hygiene and health measures taken to prevent epidemics and infectious animal diseases of exotic origin, and finally to study any tropical medical, biological or tropical health issues as well as any problems caused by expatriations and travels.
Mis à jour le 01/12/2016