As a result of partnership agreement, IntegraGen will be the main operator of high-throughput sequencing activities for the French National Reference Center (NRC) and microbiological collections at the Institut Pasteur. High-throughput sequencing will be the reference tool for analysis, surveillance and diagnostic activities associated with the above in line with the public health mission of the Institute.
Press release
Paris and Evry, March 24, 2015

IntegraGen (FR0010908723 - ALINT), a leading player in genome analysis and the development and commercialization of molecular diagnostic tests for oncology and autism, and the Institut Pasteur, an international research institute of excellence with a mission to advance science, medicine and public health, while also aiding in the prevention and the fight against infectious diseases through research, education and public health actions, today announced the signing of an agreement for high-throughput sequencing in the field of microbiology. IntegraGen will be responsible for the technical and operational implementation of high-throughput sequencing activities for use by the microbiology experts at the NRC at the Institut Pasteur.
The Institut Pasteur will rely on the expertise and experience of IntegraGen to help ensure optimal quality of results returned via high-throughput sequencing. IntegraGen will also help reduce delays in obtaining sequencing results and increase the flexibility of the business while optimizing the operational costs of reagents. Additionally, IntegraGen will develop management software tailored to the internal needs of the Institut Pasteur.
The primary objective of the partnership between the Institut Pasteur and IntegraGen is to increase access to the latest generation of sequencing technologies for the fifteen NRCs and the Institute’s microbiology collection with the additional goal of establishing reference tools for the typing of bacterial, viral, and fungal strains.
Professor Christian Bréchot, President of the Institut Pasteur, stated "Being at the heart of infectious disease surveillance issues worldwide, the Institut Pasteur must equip its laboratories with the best available technology. Having access to IntegraGen's know-how in high-throughput sequencing is a major asset to reinforce our mobilization abilities and to ensure our mission for public health at the highest level.”
"Operating the high-throughput sequencing activities for microbiology at the Institut Pasteur, a world leader in the field of medical research, further demonstrates IntegraGen’s ability to provide high quality next generation sequencing services to researchers and reinforces the awareness of the expertise the company has developed in this field since establishing our Genomic Services business in 2008,” stated Bernard Courtieu, CEO of IntegraGen. “This agreement also represents an opportunity for us to expand our genomics business and to continue to grow our revenue, which just experienced a 12% increase in 2014.”
About the Institut Pasteur
The Institut Pasteur, a private foundation with officially recognized charitable status set up by Louis Pasteur in 1887, has become a world-renowned center for biomedical research with an international network of 33 institutes worldwide. In the pursuit of its mission to prevent and fight against diseases in France and throughout the world, the Institut Pasteur operates in four main areas: scientific and medical research, public health and health monitoring, teaching, and business development and technology transfer. More than 2,500 people work on the Institut Pasteur’s campus in Paris. Much of the Institut Pasteur’s work focuses on the study of infectious diseases, genetic and neurodegenerative diseases and certain cancers, along with research into the properties of living organisms. Since its inception, 10 researchers working at the Institut Pasteur have been awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine.
For more information on the Institut Pasteur, visit
About IntegraGen
IntegraGen is a company specialized in deciphering the human genome, and produces relevant and easily interpretable for academic and private laboratories analyzes. In oncology, which is characterized by a genetic disorder of cancer cells, IntegraGen provides researchers and physicians universal and individual tools guided therapy allowing them to tailor treatment to the patient's genetic profile. For autism, IntegraGen has developed the ARISk® Test, the first test marketed in the United States to assess the risk of autism spectrum disorder in children.
As of December 31 2014, IntegraGen had 34 employees and had generated revenue of €6 million in 2014, and increase of 12% over 2013 results. Based in the Evry Genopole, IntegraGen also has an office in the Cambridge, Massachusetts in the United States. IntegraGen is listed on Alternext of Euronext Paris (ISIN: FR0010908723 - Ticker: ALINT - PEA-SME).
For more information on IntegraGen visit
Illustration: DNA sequencing. © Institut Pasteur