Due to the fact that the Pasteur Institute of Brussels, as a public institution depending on the Province of Brabant, had no legal personality, Professor Jules Bordet, in 1943 already, judged it opportune and necessary to create a non-for-profit association, "Les Amis de l’Institut Pasteur de Bruxelles" in order to support and promote by all means the activities of the Pasteur Institute of Brussels, especially its research activities in the field of infectious diseases, sera, vaccines and immunization procedures.
The disappearance, in 2008, of the Pasteur Institute in Belgium, forced us to adapt the name and objectives of our association to new realities; the changes were decided in mutual agreement with the general direction of the "Institut Pasteur" in Paris (IPP), specifically with the direction of the "Réseau international des Instituts Pasteur (RIIP"), the International Network of Pasteur Institutes.Moreover a representative of the "Institut Pasteur" sits on our Governing Council.
The association aims to support basic microbiological and immunological research that in the context of an international cooperation is performed between researchers in Belgium and researchers of the "Institut Pasteur" and / or the International Network of Pasteur Institutes.
This option allows us to pursue, in accordance with the wishes of our donors and testators, our support to the scientific collaboration programs in the different Pasteurian domains between Belgian researchers and RIIP-researchers.
Currently, our activities are focused on providing research grants to young researchers implicated in a research project between a Belgian research laboratory and a RIIP-laboratory. A restraint scientific committee composed of the scientific members (also leading microbiologists) of our association is in charge of the assessment of the grant applications.
The website of the association