Legacies and donations : thanks to you, in a century , we will continue to advance research . Engaging with us is to act today for tomorrow .
Bequests and donations are one of the main resources of the Institut Pasteur. They ensure the sustainability of our research and are arguably the finest expression of the generosity of our donors. Whatever the amount, the legacy is a deeply altruistic act. A bequest or donation to Institut Pasteur, is to contribute to improving human health ... by funding the work of researchers of our Institute, global symbol of scientific and medical progress. A bequest or a donation to the Institut Pasteur is choosing efficiency. Your bequest or donation is awarded directly, without any intermediary, our research teams. Moreover, this amount is exempt from transfer tax, through recognition of public utility of our foundation. A bequest or a donation to the Institut Pasteur is to determine the direction of research. You can choose freely from affecting your legacy and your donation is at the Pasteur Institute as a whole which will fund his research as priorities, or to a specific research area close to your heart, like cancer or malaria . To ensure the respect of your legacy or donation and simplify to the maximum the steps: You receive guarantees on the good use of your legs or your donation through monitoring by external bodies (Charter Committee, auditors, Court of Auditors). ISO 9001 AFNOR is a guarantee of quality and confidence for all those who come to the service of Legacies of the Pasteur Institute.