The Institut Pasteur is ideally placed to successfully pursue its primary missions of research, public health, education and the identification of research applications. Its many strengths include the outstanding quality of its staff, the excellence of its research and infrastructures, and the critical mass of the Institut Pasteur International Network.
The Technology Transfer and Industrial Partnership Department is responsible of the 4th mission of the Institut Pasteur: innovation development and technology transfer. Through its multidisciplinary and transversal approach to research, the Institut Pasteur is:
- Fostering new research projects.
- Turning Institut Pasteur discoveries into innovations with a high potential for development, working with our external partners to progress in diagnosis, vaccines, therapy and technology for the benefit of patients.
There is Science and applications of science, related to each other like the fruit borne by a tree.
Louis Pasteur
The Institut Pasteur is in a unique position to develop partnerships with industry to face public health challenges and to provide new therapies and tools for the benefit of patients. The Institut Pasteur is a place where both basic research programs (providing new knowledge about the living world and new methods for tackling diseases) and technology transfer are supported in order to fulfill our four missions.
Harnessing the momentum of the new strategic plan of the Institut Pasteur, the development of research applications has recently been reinforced as a key component of the institute’s scientific policy.