1. News | 2022.01.12

    French Prime Minister Jean Castex salutes the Institut Pasteur's expertise on emerging infectious diseases

    French Prime Minister Jean Castex, accompanied by Frédérique Vidal, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, visited the Institut Pasteur on Monday January 10, 2022, to salute the efforts of scientists in the ongoing battle against COVID-19. The visit was an opportunity to highlight the need to strengthen preparedness for future emerging diseases. It was also an auspicious moment...

  2. Document de presse | 2023.03.31

    The Institut Pasteur and the University of São Paulo sign articles of association to establish the Institut Pasteur in São Paulo

    On Friday March 31st, 2023 at a ceremony in Paris, the Institut Pasteur President, Professor Stewart Cole, and the University of São Paulo (USP) Rector, Carlos Gilberto Carlotti Junior, signed articles of association for the Institut Pasteur in São Paulo, a private non-profit organization under Brazilian law. The mission of the institute, an associate member of the Pasteur Network, is to conduct...

  3. Article | 2017.01.04

    Pasteur-Cnam-EHESP School of Public Health

    The Institut Pasteur and the Cnam (National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts), in partnership with the EHESP (French School of Public Health), have combined their complementary expertise within the Pasteur-Cnam-EHESP School of Public Health to offer an Advanced Master degree - Mastère Spécialisé in Public Health.

  4. News | 2020.05.20

    Blood test: a potential new tool for controlling infections

    A new technique could provide vital information about a community’s immunity to infectious diseases including malaria and Covid-19.The diagnostic test analyses a blood sample to reveal immune markers that indicate whether – and when – a person was exposed to an infection. It was developed to track malaria infections in communities, to assist in the elimination of deadly ‘relapsing’ malaria, but...

  5. Document de presse | 2023.08.09

    SARS-CoV-2: how the history of human populations influences their immune response

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, the clinical spectrum observed among people infected with SARS-CoV-2 ranged from asymptomatic carriage to death. Researchers at the Institut Pasteur, the CNRS and the Collège de France, in collaboration with researchers around the world1 , have investigated the extent and drivers of differences in immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 across populations from Central Africa...

  6. Document de presse | 2021.07.16

    ComCor study: analysis of the effectiveness of messenger RNA vaccines against the SARS-CoV-2 Alpha and Beta variants in France

    Over the past six months, the World Health Organization has categorized four SARS-CoV-2 variants as being "of concern" because they are more transmissible or may escape the immune response. They have been termed the Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta variants. Scientists from the Institut Pasteur, in collaboration with the French National Health Insurance Fund (CNAM), Ipsos and Santé publique France,...

  7. Document de presse | 2024.03.28

    Inauguration in Brazil of the Institut Pasteur de São Paulo, member of the Pasteur Network

    On March 27, 2024, the Institut Pasteur de São Paulo was inaugurated by French President, Emmanuel Macron. As a member of the Pasteur Network, this institute, founded by the Institut Pasteur and the University of São Paulo, conducts international-level research in the field of health biology to further understanding of diseases and their impact on human health, especially in the context of...

  8. News | 2020.02.27

    Foreign travel – a tonic for the health?

    All travelers can come into contact with health risks that are completely different from those they generally encounter on a daily basis. So it is vital to prepare thoroughly for any trip – and that involves consulting a specialist travel clinic such as the Institut Pasteur Medical Center (CMIP).Travel is a formative experience for young people – and young people often take a casual attitude to...

  9. Document de presse | 2021.04.21

    SARS-CoV-2: infection induces antibodies capable of killing infected cells regardless of disease severity

    Drawing on epidemiological field studies and the FrenchCOVID hospital cohort coordinated by Inserm, teams from the Institut Pasteur, the CNRS and the Vaccine Research Institute (VRI, Inserm/University Paris-Est Créteil) studied the antibodies induced in individuals with asymptomatic or symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection. The scientists demonstrated that infection induces polyfunctional antibodies....

  10. News | 2021.07.19

    AFROSCREEN, boosting variant surveillance in 13 African countries

    The Agence française de développement (AFD) and ANRS | Maladies infectieuses émergentes, in partnership with the Institut Pasteur, IRD, and laboratories across 13 African countries, are launching the joint AFROSCREEN project. This project meets an urgent need for surveillance of the development of SARS-CoV-2 variants and other emerging pathogens by bolstering laboratory genomic sequencing...


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