The team

Education Center

To ensure an optimal training experience, our education center includes three divisions dedicated to the organization and supervision of theoretical and practical teaching: the registrar's division, the administrative division and the technical division.


Equipe du centre de l'enseignement - Institut Pasteur

Registrar's division

Sylvie MALOT


Virginie Ponticelli

administrative DIVISION

Virginie Ponticelli



Hervé waxin



Murielle Almoussa


Registrar's Division

The Registrar's Division serves as the entry point to the Institut Pasteur education center. Here, following the proposals for training courses in the annual program, registrations are recorded, validated and then selected by the admissions committee.

These initial steps are carried out transparently thanks to the work of the Registrar's Division, which operates behind the scenes to facilitate all the steps, from expressing interest in a course to the issuance of grades and diplomas. The Registrar's Division works in close collaboration with partner universities and government bodies.

Administrative Division

The Administrative Division manages the organization of courses (program, management of instructors) for the annual schedule of the education center.

This division works closely with the Registrar's Division and the Technical Division of the center, as well as with the many stakeholders from the internal, national, and international teaching team.

Technical Division

The Technical Division is responsible for the preparation, setup, and monitoring of all practical work conducted within the education center.

In close collaboration with the course teaching teams, it ensures the smooth running of activities in the practical workrooms, thereby providing an enriching and high-quality learning experience.





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