Tuition fees


Tuition fees vary according to the length of the course.

2nd year Masters students from the Greater Paris universities (Université de Paris, Paris-Saclay and Sorbonne Université) attending courses covered by agreements with the Institut Pasteur and other students from these universities attending courses as part of a doctoral module are exempt from fees.

  • The "Student" rate applies upon presentation of a student card that is valid at the start of the course.

  • The "Self-funding" rate applies to people covering the cost of their training privately.

  • The "State agency" and "Private company" rates apply to people on training paid by a state agency or private company respectively. Rates are in Euro and exempt from VAT.

  • "Auditors". According to the decision of the Directors of the courses, places for “auditors “(only conference follow-up) are open. Registration fees will be requested according to the proportion of the length of the course and the status of an auditor (see price list below). For more information:

Some of Institut Pasteur courses such as Advances in stem cell biology, ICARe, Molecular Biology of the Cell, Tuberculosis and Vaccinology award grants to international students to cover part of their travel and living expenses. To apply for a French government grant (managed mainly by CNOUS or EGIDE), please contact the French Embassy’s cultural, scientific and technical cooperation service or the French mission for cooperation and cultural action in your country.


Course prices may rise slightly from one academic year to the next. Do not hesitate to consult this page on a regular basis and during the finalization of your registration in order to know the final registration fees.

 Courses 2024-2025 Student  Self-Financing Training
Rates in euros without liable VAT     Public Organization Private Company 
Advances in stem cell biology 544 1089 1089 2178
Advanced immunology 929 1859 1859 3719
Antibiotic Resistance and whole One Health approach see University of Limoges website click here
Biobanking (UNIGE course) off-site off-site off-site off-site
Bioinformatics program for PhD students free free non applicable non applicable
Climate change and population health 308 617 617 1234
Clinical trial methodology 308 617 617 1234
Creation and management of data basis 308 617 617 1234
Cryo electronic microscopy 3700 3700 3700 4500
Cryo EM - single particule imaging 650 1300 1300 2500
Data analysis by Stata (per session STATA1, STATA2, STATA3) 308 617 617 1234
Development and plasticity of the nervous system 929 1859 1859 3719
Emerging viruses 308 617 617 1234
Fundamental immunology 544 1089 1089 2178
Fundamental virology 1565 3130 3130 6261
Genome analysis 929 1859 1859 3719
Hearing: from mechanisms to restoration technologies 649 1623 1623 3247
Human population genomics and genetics epidemiology 544 1089 1089 2178
Initiation to the R software 308 617 617 1234
Insect vectors and transmission of pathogens 929 1859 1859 3719
Integrative structural biology 400 400 400 1190
International course on surveillance and control of rabies off-site off-site off-site off-site
Introduction to the relationship between science and society free free free free
Medical mycology 929 1859 1859 3719
Microbiology 1565 3130 3130 6261
Modeling of infectious diseases 308 617 617 1234
Molecular biology of the cell 929 1859 1859 3719
Molecular genetics and epigenetics 929 1859 1859 3719
Mother-Child Dyad : Current evidence in a global perspective 308 617 617 1234
Mouse genetics for disease modelling 929 1859 1859 3719
Multiple roles of RNAs 544 1089 1089 2178
NEUBIAS : network of European bioimage analysts 400 800 800 1600
Pandemics: origin, response, and preparedness see Open Medical Institute click here
Principles and applications of fluorescence microscopy 544 1089 1089 2178
Principles and practice of biobanking 1500 2000 2000 3000
Regulatory course for project designers (rodents & lagomorphs)   1623 2273 2273 2814
Single cell gene expression and beyond 600 1200 1200 1600
Spreading of infectious agents and assessment 929 1859 1859 3719
Specific training for surgical procedures on rodents 811 1407 1407 1623
Structure and function of proteins 929 1859 1859 3719
Tuberculosis 544 1089 1089 2178
Vaccine epidemiology 308 617 617 1234
Vaccinology 929 1859 1859 3719
Valorization of research and biomedical innovation off-site off-site off-site off-site
Vector-borne diseases see Open Medical Institute click here
Viruses, liver and cancers see Open Medical Institute click here
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