The program is built on a tiered set composed of a junior high, a senior and a researcher. One afternoon per week is dedicated to research on a project that a scientist is carrying, and one aspect of the project which is at the reach of the students is performed with them. The program last for 6 months and the students can thus learn the professional gestures and thought processes of the scientist.
Thus, the concepts of observation, hypothesis formulation, experimentation, interpretation and presentation of results in front of peers can be passed with a small generation gap. This program is hosted for local French students from neighboring high schools. The students receive a certificate that mentions their achievements and engagement in the program. The results are presented at a congress which is organized on alternate years with Institut Imagine. The “Apprentis chercheurs” project is organized by a Team of volunteer scientists at Institut Pasteur, including the selection of students with the help pf the school teachers, the setting up of the schedule, and the organization of a final congress for the presentation of the results. The final presentations are performed in from of school friends and family, teachers, school principals and departmental inspectors. This is a unique opportunity for young students to enter the world of research and learn the process with hands on experience.
"Apprentis Chercheurs" organizing committee

From left to right: Patricia Jeannin, Deshmukh Gopaul, Associate Professor and Stéphanie Dabo, Research engineer