Covid-19: 20 research projects selected to fight the epidemic

Press release

At a time when the Sars-CoV-2 epidemic is continuing to spread, France is mobilizing to accelerate research into the virus and Covid-19 disease through REACTing – a consortium coordinated by Inserm. With the support of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, the Scientific Advisory Board of REACTing has selected 20 scientific initiatives covering diverse fields, from mathematical modelling to disease prevention and treatment.

Since the emergence of the first cases at the end of 2019, implementing high quality research to contain SARS-CoV-2 as quickly as possible and improve the treatment of those infected have been the objectives of the French scientific community, under the egis of the REACTing network.

Nine essential academic institutions, founding members of Aviesan: CEA, CNRS, INRAE, Inria, Inserm, Institut Pasteur, IRD, CPU and the Conference of Directors General of Regional Hospitals and academics. The REACTing consortium is coordinated by Inserm.

Following a call for applications made to research teams across France, the Covid-19 Scientific Advisory Board of REACTing – a veritable research acceleration consortium – has selected 20 projects from a variety of scientific disciplines.

Chosen for their effective and exhaustive contributions to knowledge production and to fighting this new epidemic, these projects have been categorized as follows:

  • Diagnostic, clinical and therapeutic research projects
  • Epidemiology research projects
  • Fundamental research projects
  • Human and social science research projects

Download the list of selected projets at the Institut Pasteur (PDF in French) 

Download the list of selected projets at the Institut Pasteur (PDF in French)



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