The Assembly : missions and composition

The Assembly is convened at least once a year by the Chairman of the Board of Governors. It rules on the Board of Governors Annual Report relating to Institut Pasteur activity and elects 16 members to the Board. It adopts the rules of procedure of the foundation and votes on changes to the Articles of association upon proposal by the Board of Governors.



The Assembly has between 93 and 109 members, comprised as follows:

  • 20 ex officio or appointed members;
  • 6 to 12 Governors from the Institut Pasteur International Network or associated institutes appointed in respect of the rules of procedure of the Network;
  • 30 members from among the scientific, administrative and technical employees and engineers working either fully or partly at the Institut Pasteur and elected by their peers;
  • 6 representatives from Institut Pasteur unions, appointed by the Works Council (CE);
  • 31 to 41 external members, chosen for their expertise or interest in the Institut Pasteur, elected by the members of the Assembly upon proposal from the Board of Governors or a member of the Assembly.

All members (apart from ex officio members) are appointed for six years.

Consult the list of members of the Assembly of the Institut Pasteur (In French) : 


Updated july 2 nd 2024 

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