Closing date for pre-proposal: March 21, 2025
Closing date for applications: May 5, 2025
This call is launched by the São Paulo Research Foundation – FAPESP, Institut Pasteur and the University of São Paulo – USP, as a result of their Cooperation Agreement signed in December 2021.
Research themes
Research must be focused on the following themes: structural biology of emergent/re-emergent pathogens, identification of pathogen ligands and their host receptors, proteomics and multi-omics technologies to identify new biomarkers and markers of disease severity, and drug discovery.
Eligibility criteria
To be eligible to submit a proposal to this call, a researcher must:
- Comply with the eligibility requirements of FAPESP’s Young Investigator Grant, specifications are available YIG Guidelines.
- Have between 5 to 8 years post-doctoral experience in in national or international laboratories.
- Be fluent in English.
- Not have a permanent position at the time of the G4 award contract
This call is open to all nationalities.
Characteristics of Proposals under this Call
- Candidates must follow the rules and guidelines for submitting proposals for the Young Investigator Grant;
- The research project must be written in English;
- Adequacy of the Project with the research objectives of the Institut Pasteur de São Paulo, as described above in "Research themes".
Duration of the Grant
- The duration of the proposed project must be 48 months. The duration may be extended up to 12 months, when requested at the end of the third year, and depending upon a successful merit review by FAPESP and Institut Pasteur.
- During the development of the research project, the G4 PI should apply for permanent hiring opportunities at the host institutions or others in the state of São Paulo (tenure track option) and beyond.
- After the conclusion of the project, if the Young Investigator obtained a permanent position in a university or research institution in the state of São Paulo, he/she can continue his/her research activities by applying for funding through FAPESP regular lines.
Support offered by FAPESP:
Items allowed by FAPESP as described in item 8 of the YIG Guidelines;
A Young Investigator Fellowship, to be paid for the duration of the grant or until the G4 PI obtains a permanent position at the host institution in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The fellowship lasts for 48 months with the possibility of a last 12-month extension, always depending upon a successful merit review. The monthly value of the scholarship is announced at FAPESP.
Exceptionally for this Call, the PI can request one post-Doctoral (PD) scholarship, for a candidate to be selected by the G4 PI. FAPESP’s rules for the Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program, as described here.
Support offered by Institut Pasteur:
Institut Pasteur will allocate a maximum amount of fifty thousand Euros (50.000€) per year to the G4 for the duration of the G4. The funds allocated shall be used to cover the following expenses:
- staffing costs (master,PhD, Post-doc and technicians) corresponding to 30% to 50% of the total amount per year
- travels and missions of the G4 scientific members (participation to workshops and meetings),
- operating costs, and
- equipment.
- Management costs are NOT eligible.
Submission of pre-proposal
The pre-proposal must be sent in English exclusively to the e-mails and including the following information:
- CV in English;
- A brief summary of previous scientific achievements and how they contribute to the current proposal (1 page);
- Summary description of the Research Project;
- Estimated budget to be requested from FAPESP and from Pasteur Institut;
- The contribution that will be given by the G4 PI addressed to the priorities of the Institut Pasteur de Sao Paulo as defined in item 2 (1 page). Justify why the proposal is in line with it.
The deadline for submission of pre-proposal is March 21st, 2025.
Late submissions will not be reviewed. An acknowledgement receipt e-mail will confirm It will confirm the receipt of the proposal.
Submission of full-proposal
Only for those whose pre-proposal has been approved.
The proposal must be submitted through FAPESP’s proposal submission platform, SAGe. All the documents required by the SAGe platform must be uploaded during the online submission. Proposals lacking required documents will be returned without review. The specific path for this Call is: Nova Proposta Inicial > + Outras Linhas de Fomento > + Acordos de Cooperação > + SPPU - Plataforma Científica Pasteur-USP > + Projeto de Pesquisa – Jovem Pesquisador > + Chamada de Propostas (2025).
In addition to the normal documents required for Young Investigator/G4 Grant proposals, the following items must also be submitted:
- A table with the breakdown budget concerning the 200k Euros (4*€50,000/year) requested from Institut Pasteur (;
- A complete list of publications;
- 2-3 letters of recommendation, by researchers not affiliated to the Institut Pasteur de Sao Paulo;
- Letters from their previous and actual supervisors stating contribution for grants application and training of younger students ( Master, PhD, etc.);
- A letter from the host institution agreeing with the appropriateness of the application.
The deadline for submission of pre-proposal is May 5th, 2025
- Call announcement: February 14 th, 2025
- Deadline for submission of pre-proposal: March 21st, 2025
- Pre-Proposal evaluation result sent to PIs: March 31st, 2025
- Submission of full proposal: May 5th, 2025
- Selection committee Interview: July 14-18, 2025
- Selection result announcement: July 31st, 2025
- Start of Project: By November 1st, 2025
Assessment criteria, evaluation and selection
The review process will have two phases, Eligibility of pre-proposals and Merit Analysis of full-proposals.
Eligibility of pre-proposals
Institut Pasteur of São Paulo will review the feasibility of the pre-proposal under the point of view of its strategy and development capacity in the current infrastructure. FAPESP will appraise the merit of the candidates.
Only pre-proposals approved by FAPESP and Institut Pasteur de São Paulo will be invited to submit on-line full-proposals.
Eligible canidates should request the documents “Descrição do parque de equipamentos” and “Manifestação do Dirigente e Anexo II” from the Institut Pasteur de São Paulo. The proposal must avoid duplicity of equipment, since the existing equipment in the present infrastructure will be described in the “Descrição do parque de equipamentos”.
Merit Analysis of full-proposals
The merit analysis of the full-proposals will be conducted exclusively by Institut Pasteur Program for Promotions CComittee, Paris (P4P), acting as the lead agency of the G4 programme on the basis of their applications, according to the following assessment criteria.
Assessment criteria
In addition to the procedures used for the FAPESP Young Investigator/G4 Grant, the merit analysis regarding the candidates for G4 Leader will consider:
- The quality of the candidate’s scientific career, based on publication record;
- Peer-recognition of the candidate;
- Ability to obtain funding to his/her previous projects;
- Ability to manage and train younger scientists.
The merit analysis regarding the pre-proposal will consider:
- Quality, originality and feasibility of the project;
- How innovative and ambitious within the priority research topics described in 2.
- Added value to the Institut Pasteur of São Paulo;
- Contribution to mitigate public health issues in Brazil and Latin America.
The merit analysis of the full-proposal led by the Institut Pasteur will also consider:
- Willingness to participate in the strengthening of the Pasteur Network;
- Capacity to initiate new strategic cooperation with research institutions at local, regional and international level;
- Convergence among CV, Project originality/quality and Institut Pasteur de São Paulo strategy for the present call.
Final Decision
- The best two to five (2 to 5) ranked proposalsby the Institut Pasteur P4P committee will be submitted to the Steering Committee for the final selection of a single candidate after an interview. The Institut Pasteur will lead the selection committee meeting.
- Members of University of São Paulo of the Steering Committee will have the opportunity to ask international ad hoc experts for an evaluation of the selected applications and to share their impressions during the decision meeting.
- The Steering Committee will consist of the following members:
- The Director of the Institut Pasteur Department of International Affairs;
- A member of the Institut Pasteur Department of International Affairs;
- The President of the USP International Cooperation Office (AUCANI);
- A member indicated by the Rector of USP;
- A representative of the Scientific Director of FAPESP, without voting.
- The nomination of the selected candidate is final and therefore no appeal for reconsideration is possible.
Additional information
Terms of Agreement
Once a G4 Leader has been selected, USP and Institut Pasteur will enter into a G4 creation agreement with the selected G4 Leader. This agreement will specify the functioning and the operating conditions of the G4 program led by the G4 Leader. Such agreement shall set forth provisions regarding the scope of the research program of the G4, G4 Leader rights and obligations, financial matters, liability and insurance, ownership and exploitation of intellectual property rights on G4 activities/results, monitoring of the collaborative project within the G4, communication and publications, confidentiality, as well as the dissemination of results.
FAPESP’s Research Networking Tool
The Virtual Library includes FAPESP’s database of awarded research grants and scholarships. In it, you may search for information on grants and fellowships funded by FAPESP, including abstracts as well the name of participating researchers and their institutions. The Virtual Library includes an interface that allows contacting FAPESP-funded researchers by sending them a message.
Contact information
Candidates are invited to contact the Institut Pasteur of São Paulo to agree on the equipment that should be asked in the proposal in order to avoid duplicity of equipment in the present infrastructure
Questions related to this Call must be directed to:
- FAPESP: Virginia Sanches Subiñas –
- Institut Pasteur de São Paulo: Paola Minoprio –
- Institut Pasteur: P4P Unit –